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Arthur Spencer Allen
Trueman Moore Allen
Alexander John Anderson
Alexander Carl Andrews
Remembering the War Years Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Casualty Photos WWI
The research of Wartime Heritage have identified 216 First World War (1914-1923) casualties connected to Yarmouth Town and County. The names are of those born in Yarmouth Town and County, sons of Yarmouth born parent(s), connection to Yarmouth by wartime marriage, resident of Yarmouth County at enlistment, and non residents with Yarmouth address at enlistment. Below are 65 photographs. See: Yarmouth, Nova Scotia - WWI Casualties for individual Remembrance Pages.
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George William Lee Blackadar
Emilien Burke
Nathan Lewis Chipman
Malcolm Cann
Elkanah Ernest Clements
Colin Francis Chisholm
Nathan Churchill
Peter Clements
Keith Bruce Crosby
Hiram Fredrick Delaney
Albany Athanase d’Entremont
Anselm d’Entremont
Ernest Lester Dixon
Anthony Doucette
George Alphonse Doucette
Simon Doucette
Charles Henry Durkee
Frank Roy Gates
James Harvey Eldridge
George Collins Farish
William Albert Gayton
Merton Howard Goodwin
John R Greenough
Louis Narcis Harris
Arthur Wellsley Hatfield
Vance Alton Hemeon
Ivan Vernon Higby
George Edward Hubbard
James Walter Holly
Fred Louis Johnston
Glendall Charles Larkin
Frank Kinney
Harry Lewis Larkin
Gladwyn John MacDonnell
Eugene Murray Lewis
Ernest Shaw Marshall
Edward Charles McComiskey
Benoit Joseph Melanson
Thomas Edward Meuse
Horace McLaughlin
Donald Lawrence Morine
Chester Pannell
William Stanley Moses
Peter Jarvis Moulisong
Sidney Stephen Penney
Wilfred Perry
Walter Pothier
Irwin Clarence Saulnier
James Allison Ricker
James Arnold Percival Scarth
Leonard Watson Scott
Thomas Wellsley Smith
Vernell Spates
Elezer (Eleazer) Steele
George Clifford Sweeney
Gordon Rayford Travis
Adruenna Allen Tupper
George Robert Whitman
Jack Merritt Wheaton
Keith Dalston Withycombe
Edwin Woollard