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Remembering World War I Yarmouth Connections
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US US 222866 733564 2329864 3180839 1099393 248662 RFC 790820 704016 757244 3257409 4062732 734276 282691 504646 1274161 336115 489155 236-K-6 Officer 1099752 282690 2329304 4050152 2605849 4050450 733648 3182435 666536 2014212 3199552 336167 3181712 283539 734219 1060268 2329801 3190022 734303 734224 3189252 733797 469127 734128 3180402 734079 274123/666870 3185449 743132 US 1007375 469978 223238 1263339 4050950 3185628 282786 1099763 68039 US US 3186499 478717 469080 2704232 734268 1031284 469267 1257631 3258030 282926 283352 282687 1099393 542185 282686 68360 470472 2125273 223268 964 2329810 415537 CAMC CAMC 469009 40775 666548 2329855 67572 2329892 Nursing Sister 40926 734453 700398 1031306 2591137 3185312 931406 931012 326921 931216 3180468 283212 469765 283468 40776 1257577 2100337 3257304 2100336 Officer US-1691565 67160 733562 USNRF 304563 Officer 282685 Officer 3180047 282448 1030455 1033294 3186273 282341 282684 904055 CAMC 3187131 US-154414 117152 3352527 223085 415541 3185515 1274141 3189865 US 1664386 3180408 67161 4050231 3255535 127705 1099405 1099397 1099406 469259 734561 222906 528537 292692 282874 1258113 1258116 2304046 4050275 US-2728719 2329456 471122 US-2309066 931013 4050653 1015700 US-1692457 931213 625008 282678 282688 US 91880 1030444 3180412 3185654 3182409 733948 167020 85919 15543 3180842 US-2309066 BR MN 1033088 445692 733241 9420 507243 Captain Captain 4050213 734304 282677 167023 3185996 734248 Officer 3256925 488345 733652 3189301 US-2172135 3034790 283353 222814 3189866 2738539 2014657 551326 733650 US Red Cross 283354 RCN MO/401 336222 283355 US-578707 1030297 743010 2329843 2329842 733653 4050379 415555 2329860 204386 1261917 2203836 67165 222661 1099767 3205161 3185019 542200 733552 222868 3189130 85695 174 1260725 282927 3188819 NA 2023907 505613 US 3085287 282679 3356103 3188817 NA 282680 Officer 507257 NA 505613 CAMC 3212679 US-253714 1099573 90281 3188819 734277 784033 3083696 167026 91891 US 3180081 3185517 4050448 282906 US-3325753 282681 3180892 67156 282682 61278 734249 734275 43838 733557 514234 3259322 3259323 3185928 734415 666673 2329802 2329824 733559 3180240 2329835 2013196 68098 734346 733554 282928 3185451 283472 734269 3030182 Nursing Sister 2503011 111112 2140033 Lt. 470037 US Nurse 482051 470130 733950 469115 3199507 469841 3180934 666679 3188460 3188256 3189103 666679 1099753 3190200 3185442 666678 931214 3180723 3256914 RFC 510224 742814 472162 282683 BR MN 222902 Officer 282662 US-4915925 3180589 303442 415858 282970 415769 US/1916481 730500 2304124 223017 282929 283504 3190727 733747 415770 3189003 Major 282971 Officer 3255536 BR MN 213876 469578 817029 733567 415681 1258126 2005120 222936 Lieutenant 2304122 2304121 4052632 2329833 469079 1261744 US-Officer Lt. Colonel 282675 67464 67309 1099385 488155 US Army MS 3182204 US-3145391 3187319 1099799 MS 733746 3199573 3185426 2013392 3189799 734315 US-2956727 4050517 3185427 733563 US-4146966 3190678 3187377 3186915 3190373 3180420 3180849 3180470 477244 2329873 RN US-1658977 3182417 3186807 3180704 US-591825 2329894 3185443 US-2719244 USCG 734404 3190001 3185708 3189842 3189132 2532394 RAF/71437 1263865 3181344 3181210 3256676 4062266 734003 2005731 3180234 4060884 282554 734088 3189968 733219 282554 733216 470401 3189841 734083 67900 733232 469569 282674 3189969 4052599 3190635 1257590 373836 283456 US Marine 470373 282756 MS 282673 734004 Officer 415840 200291 BR MN 734228 4050130 734227 3189105 NA US Army 3180471 734081 2329328 282672 3180252 733704 415562 733622 734130 734414 733572 3180243 733244 3189970 734074 282609 734073 3182020 1099579 3180090 1060262 1099580 666551 469011 283211 415564 3180091 734225 31900473 415557 1099600 4050764 US-2719664 1274209 1274211 3180714 91895 222911 482058 67299 817788 Officer 733553 415846 28349 3188264 3180254 282930 2699203 BR MN 415647 222841 469081 415855 3101022 470013 BR MN 734531 733243 1060330 282931 US-1663270 415447 37370 282671 415772 542192 712250 282670 222947 522024 282669 734082 3189013 282972 482042 US 31505044 901081 US 110205 90293 41500 67157 RFC 503889 1099384 3182604 50714 67155 Nursing Sister Officer 734226 4050663 67166 931309 1099383 760337 3180896 US Red Cross 2329803 282668 US 3182582 US-2728064 2731210 NA 67099 742241 734218 507363 114315 67158 85711 US 4551 3255785 696686 2329837 BR MN MN 167038 282902 US Army Nurse 415697 US Nurse 415528 Lieutenant 35412 469485 931297 624370 901432 3256424 4060533 90276 1258147 446053 58 3181350 2699638 3181571 47037 282667 RFC 1099762
Service Number:
Remembering Those Who Served
Service Number:
67301 282944 67462 2100564 3185287 2329416 542189 67466 3032974 2329872 3190141 BR MN 1099395 3180357 734406 67287 282945 3189805 282977 3181164 282641 734536 734080 469266 734112 2163397 3185114 250334 282642 283393 274114 274150 2700830 167096 488173 415599 67317 415598 3105756 282643 2329848 2013584 BR MN 931187 MN 2011814 3235487 283362 510230 Officer RN 3185117 67468 1033206 2329867 2329870 282174 2329871 3084598 3188290 1030467 Officer 282644 2304043 CAMC 38068 757606 415844 3180565 1099765 Officer 415601 223235 3188291 2329893 283363 2329891 2329543 4050230 2329895 2329933 283412 RCN VR/440 3186285 3084301 282978 1099378 1006453 69742 415857 283086 2009954 1274310 2100762 282979 2304120 734222 283364 Officer 3188983 2329907 666612 709213 666533 1039729 469261 3257787 3189889 666535 415780 282645 3189856 666610 3187928 3180191 3188228 666534 469917 469917 1075141 326892 282646 2329841 282946 3182979 1033086 282947 4060281 NA 222896 1099768 1060201 282980 469371 515180 282981 414218 733249 760989 BR MN 3188427 2006509 3181014 488363 US-Officer 734422 2613776 734325 1258109 734279 2329890 400051 3190382 US Army 469213 3180556 2329839 2329831 BR MN US-Navy 353 3181330 BR MN 248646 733236 636258 US Army Nurse 1099589 228428 282982 US 283563 706231 3180831 282647 3031657 283235 283366 283365 US-1673690 US-136970 US-2799454 3181191 3180008 733625 1099392 1099387 2329832 223054 282948 415607 733924 733946 415530 488389 326030 79965 734321 733237 326912 415516 4062839 2329847 3185065 3190818 733235 2617014 502408 282648 2700194 283498 326956 86002 415907 326913 326893 2005029 282649 3180552 2329817 US 3180554 BR MN US 222810 2329816 415651 BR MN 2304042 1274335 2163441 2617018 1060234 283368 282650 3180197 2731088 3181936 3085584 1274090 67342 734076 41589 110498 415508 733565 3180199 US Officer 2005015 67295 415609 666879 4080233 2100735 3181135 336192 734528 Officer 1033064 415847 415692 931296 RN 3105065 733923 3186754 469006 3186458 1390011 282983 931215 3180382 US 415616 1099379 734525 1099381 BR MN 415623 67183 3189172 282903 1257646 1099757 1099396 BR-86638 415843 2304047 2329865 67471 1004146 3180385 472652 2329301 3180007 282651 1099404 734408 3181277 3180387 212329 BR Nurse US Navy 283367 2329818 2163398 415621 Officer 3181238 931174 921310 931217 470044 NA 438072 514068 283398 3185299 733745 415659 2329448 1274118 415618 223232 913681 3180332 133139 748960 2329875 1099391 3190068 US/1682351 3188232 3181139 3190565 2532363 3185300 3180333 3180978 3180330 67100 US-1682351 733945 1099402 282652 3189832 734077 1274068 2329854 3257530 1274122 US-1682351 1274338 1099389 1031087 2688540 482052 40915 415849 415622 2246007 282653 282654 222817 470981 282655 282656 114115 90139 50913 734405 457636 3181057 415784 282657 901070 2040659 BR MN 2329819 2009530 666885 3180391 733555 2633859 415624 167128 733647 67297 BR MN 734221 734223 1274345 BR-775273 435047 3189257 3188083 6138 1048566 3031085 2009893 733551 67318 2329836 536314 2329838 415517 85790 2329502 2101017 734318 282658 Officer 86020 3180581 3180586 464 2733006 3181004 3185519 3186700 515135 3256797 1099776 2329820 CAMC 415514 2109909 US-Nurse 283533 282659 2329821 3188295 3256325 304520 US Nurse Major 3040931 415853 2329822 1099594 470021 85800 282945 Officer 282950 1263815 Captain 3190269 282660 2014438 85661 469901 1260400 470216 85801 470218 1099377 282951 1274726 67308 282661 931175 415850 3182400 222135 3180441 733566 733866 3186342 733314 4062719 3030093 4050872 1099380 733645 1039445 2004770 2013246 3080337 BR MN 793505 2013974 Captain 1099601 282952 223086 469085 1274739 817864 902364 2013851 817877 415636 2532365 931176 931169 2329851 282953 469107 3186043 BR L/35497 3186900 2329858 3180862 71577 709821 2699249 283236 2329868 BR 307122 67470 336223 282984 460650 415848 513626 CAMC 3181662
Nadeau, William Naigle, Alfred Neitz, Charles Neitz, Edward Harold Neitz, Frederick William Neitz, Walter John Neitz, Louis Neitz, William Henry Nelson, Benjamin Edward Nelson, Joseph George Nelson, Louis Nelson, Oscar Oswald Nelson, Robert Newell, Arthur Lymes Newell, Charles Austin Nicholl, George Cedric Nichols, Ansel Hamilton Nichols, Samuel Nickerson, Alvin Rupert Nickerson, Aubrey Eugene Nickerson, Charles Savol Nickerson, Edward Nickerson, Freeman Nickerson, Gordon Arnold Nickerson, Harry Winford Nickerson, Henry Edward Nickerson, Isaac Hilton Nickerson, Lloyd Wellington Nickerson, Osmond Rupert Nickerson, Randall Sinclair Nickerson, Roy Nickerson, Warren Leslie Normandy, Hubert Leslie O'Brien, John Kenneth O'Connell, Daniel O'Connell, George O'Connell, Harold O'Connell, Roy Edward Owen, Freeman Owen, Percy Dor Paddock, William Palmer, Henry Franklin Palmer, James H Pannell, Chester Pannill, John Robert Parker, Edwin Bruce Parker, Jack Walton Parker, Leslie William Parker, Percy St. John Parry, George Radcliffe Patten, Fred Ryder Patterson, Sheridan Larry Patterson, William Francis Paul, John Paul, Joseph Louis Paul, Moses Paul, Philip Noel Pendrigh, Robert Murray Penny, Albert Davis Penney, Sidney Stephen Perrin, George St Clair A. M. Perry, Elezer Walter Perry, George Melvin Perry, Helen Hastings Perry, Osborne Jonathan Perry, Wilfred Perry, Willard W. Perry, William Garfield Phillips, Frank Pickles, Fletcher Ward Pierce, Clayton Roy Pierce, Douglas Coy Pinckney, Edmond Ross Pitman, Allison Pitman, Benjamin Owen Pitman, Elmer Ellsworth Pitman, Hugh Campbell Pitman, Lawson Albert Pitman, Leslie Pitman, Nathan Pitman, Wilfred Stanfield Pitman, William Pleasant, Cecil Poindexter, Mason Poole, Charles Edgar Porter, Alvnie Porter, Earle Francis Porter, Edgar Keith Porter, Emerson Frank Porter, Herman Leslie Porter, James Everett Porter, James Henry Porter, John Leander Porter, John Leslie Porter, Melbourne Leroy Porter, Victor Rolland Porter, Warren Leonard Porter, William Arthur Porter, Winston Churchill Pothier, Albert Pothier, Charles Adrien Pothier, Charles Edmund Pothier, Cyril Edward Pothier, Cyriste (Porter, Clayton) Pothier, Edward Joseph Pothier, Egide Alphonse Pothier, Frank Edward Pothier, Hiliare Henri Pothier, James Pothier, Louis B. Pothier, Louis Freeman Pothier, Luc Amand Pothier, Luke R Pothier, Melbourne Pothier, Percy John Pothier, Philip R Pothier, Roger Samuel Pothier, Walter Potter, Aubrey Alfred Potter, Clyde Conrad Potter, Douglas Ritchie Potter, Kenneth Lewis Potter, Wilfred Warren Pottier, Frank James Power, John William Powers, Henry William Preston, Benjamin Price, George E. Price, John James Price, John Kenneth Prouty, George Purdy, Bernard Locke Purdy, Charles Loran Purdy, Delbert Earnest Purdy, Edward Purdy, Edward Purdy, Ernest Wesley Purdy, Frank Eugene Purdy, George Norvil Rankin, Earl Randolph Rankin, Harold Duncan Rankin, Lloyd Rawlings, Robert Henry Raymond, Herman Lester Raynard, Alton Job Raynard, Charles Raynard, Clarence Bowlin Raynard, Edward Leslie Raynard, George Elmoran Raynard, Stanley Redding, Carl Flint Redding, Robert Eakins Redmond, Frederick Reid, Douglas Munroe Reid, John Nelson Rice, Floyd Richard, Frank Mike Richard, Joseph Richards, Charles William Richards, William Melbourne Richardson, David Henry Richardson, Johnson Ricker, Andrew Jackson Ricker, James Allison Ridley, Merle Walton Ridley, Winnifred Ring, Arthur Franklyn Ritchie, William Frank Robbins, Albert John Robbins, Barney Francis Robbins, Donald Guy Robbins, Evelyn Edward Robbins, Joseph Alexander Robbins, Orick Rufus Robbins, Willard Roberts, Arnold Ross Roberts, Clipton Wood Roberts, Elgin Clifford Roberts, Felton Warren Roberts, Gordon Cleveland Roberts, Granville Douglas Roberts, Howard Lee Roberts, Victor Robichaud, Leander Robicheau, Archibald William Robicheau, Ernest Robicheau, Frederick A. Robicheau, Henri Robicheau, Henry William Robicheau, John Robicheau, Joseph Frederick Robinson, Gordon Keith Robinson, Richard Benjamin Rockingham, Charles Edward Rodgers, Reginald St. Clair Rogers, Arthur Edgar Rogers, Charles Kent Rogers, Frank Sanderson Rogers, Gilbert Ormsby Rogers, Robert Lindsay Rogers, William Rozee Ronco, Arthur N Rood, Robert Rose, Adelbert Rose, Alfred Elias Rose, Kenneth Ross, Mansfield Douglas Ross, Roy Whitman Ross, Walter Donald Roy, Beverly Roy, Charles Frederick Roy, David William Roy, George Edward Roy, James Henry Roy, Louis Joseph Rozee, Harold Lloyd Rozee, Wearing Rupert Russell, Francis Ralph Ryan, Michael Patrick Ryder, Clayton Lawrence Ryder, Ernest Ryder, G. N. Ryder, William Irving Sabean, Leslie Willis Saddington, John Frederick Sames, James Sanders, G. Sanders, George Wilford Saulnier, Albert Leslie Saulnier, Camille Joseph Saulnier, Charles Edward Saulnier, Harold Saulnier, Irwin Clarence Saulnier, James Joseph Saulnier, John Walter Saulnier, Joseph Jeffrey Saulnier, Thomas Leon Saulnier, William Henry Saulnier, Zebedee Louis Saunders, Clarence Bernard Saunders, Ellsworth Lee Saunders, Raymond Arthur Scarth, James Arnold Percival Scott, Leonard Watson Seaman, Kenneth James Sears, Raymond Marsdon Seeley, Guy Seeley, Thomas Melville Selvage, James Selvage, John Selvage, Walter Shalie, John Shannon, William Lester Shaw, Norman Tooker Sheridan, George Sherman, Frank Edward Sholds, Clarence Melvin Shreve, Richmond Seymour Shuope, Bernard Shupe, Robert Silver, Floyd Joseph Simmons, Aubrey Simms, Wilfred Suthern Sinclair, Jesse Shaw Sisco, Albert Sisco, Clifford Small, Charles Edward Smith, Albert Cook Smith, Andrew Chester Smith, Charles Lovitt Smith, Charles Nathan Smith, Claude Romaine Smith, Elmer Lloyd Smith, Frederick Smith, Frederick Smith, George Gordon Smith, George Peter Smith, H. A. Smith, Harry Thomas Smith, Harry Webster Smith, Herbert Loran Smith, Jerrod Leroy Smith, John Albert Smith, Joseph Alfred Smith, Percy John Smith, Robert Leslie Smith, Thomas Wellsley Smith, William Edward Soles, William Andrew Sollows, Frank Sollows, George Elliott Sollows, Wilfred Laurier Sorette, Harry Fawson Spates, Arthur Gilman Spates, Milby Murray Spates, Vernell Spears, Robert Leslie Spinney, Arthur Elvison Spinney, Eric Harvey Spinney, Frank Spinney, Harold Leroy Spinney, Jessie May Spinney, Myron Perley Spinney, Stuart Edgar Stamatios, Nanabasas Stanton, John Steele, Eleazer Stehelin, Emile Jean Stevens, Andrew Lyman Stevens, Arthur Stevens, John William Stevens, Leslie Hiram Stevens, William Lowell Stewart, Basil Stingel, Charles Churchill Stingel, George Ronald Stoddard, Jeremiah Vincent Stoddard, Llewelyn Allister Stoddart, George Nelson Stone, Thomas William Stoneman, Hubert Keith Stubbert, Theodore Porter Studley, Arthur Baker Studley, Enoch Saunders Sullivan, Kenneth Surette, Anslem Eli Surette, Charles Surette, Charles Surette, Charles Surette, Douglas Charles Surette, Edgar Anthony Surette, Eugene Albert Surette, Frank Avit Surette, Germain Augustin Surette, Henry Peter Surette, Jerimah Alfonso Surette, John Leo Surette, John Reggie Surette, Joseph Alphonse Surette, Leo Surette, Louis John Surette, Lovitt P. Surette, Monde Surette, Nicholas Surette, Peter Surette, Peter Adrien Surette, Peter Bernard Surette, Peter Kenneth Surette, Pierre Surette, Rene Maximille Surette, Wallace Surrette, Eugene A. Surrette, George Surrette, Joseph Louis Surrette, Peter Sutherland, William Arthur Suttie, Guy Kierstead Suttie, James Harold Suttie, Raymond Dalton Swain, Frederick Swain, William Joshua Sweeney, George Clifford Sweeney, Lloyd Douglas Sweeney, Percy Sinclair Sweeney, Tracey Thomas Swett, Albert Foster Swett, Edwin Bradford Symonds, Charles Murray Symonds, Harold Rufus Syvertsen, Clifford Syvertsen, Frederick Tappenden, Charles Targett, Alfred James Taylor, Charles Adelbert Taylor, Howard William Tedford, Donald Clive Tedford, Douglas Tedford, E.E. Thibault, Joseph Henry Thibeau, Francis Armand Thibeau, Melbourne Thibo, Joseph Adulaire Thibodeau, Ave Joseph Thildeau, Reuben Thimot, Odelpha Thompson, Alexander Thompson, Arthur Harry Thompson, Dana Warren Thompson, E. Thompson, Edward Earl Thompson, Frank Vernon Thompson, Vernon Stanwood Throp, Fountain Horace Thurston, Frederick Thurston, Herbert Stanley Thurston, James Donald Thurston, Roy Howard Tinkham, Alfred Riley Tinkham, Harry Melvin Tinkham, Herman Titus, Raymond White Titus, Thomas E Thompson, Edmund Walter Titus, William Peter Tompkins, Cecil Trask, Charles Edward Trask, Douglas Simpson Trask, Israel Murray Trask, Percy Eugene Travis, Gordon Rayford Treffry, Hallett Archibald Trefry, Alfred Wade Trefry, Amasa Charles Trefry, Angus Francis Trefry, Douglas Trefry, Harold Scott Trefry, James Collins Trefry, Joseph Avery Trefry, Loran Trefry, Roy Clerman Trefry, Wilson Trimble, Herbert Harrison Truell, Arthur Tucker, Ebenezer Tupper, Addie Allen (Adruenna) Turnbull, George Archer Tyner, Leight Allison Uhlman, May Gardner Uhlman, James Cornelius Uhlman, William Thomas Grierson Unsworth, Fred Vaccon, Jerome Van Ambourg, Frank Van Amburg, Guy Orlando Van Amburg, Hildred Van Horne, Arthur Kelly VanHorn, Charles Henry VanHorne, Reuben Vernon Vantaclle, Warren James Veinot, Henry Veno, Murray Verney, Charles Henry Vickery, Alexander Jacob Vickery, Edgar John Vickery, Leo Randolph Vienott, Daniel Viets, Arthur Wade, Frederick George Wagner, George Morris Walker, George Wallace, Charles Andrew Wallace, John Morris Wallace/Williams, George Leslie Walsh,(Welsh) David Joseph Walsh, George William Walsh, (Welsh) Seymond Joseph Ward, William Watson, Thomas Edward Duncan Weddleton, Ernest Weddleton, Frederick Walter Welsh, Clarence Joseph Wesley, Benjamin Westcott, Leonard Wetmore, Ralph Hartley Wheaton, Jack Merritt White, Albert William White, Alexander John White, Alexander William White, Andrew White, Charles Augustus White, Dennis White, Dewey George White, Eddie R White, Edward White, Edward Henry White, John Joseph White, Joseph Lawrence White, Theodore Joseph White, Thomas John White, William D Whitehouse, Edward Harry Whitehouse, Ross Whitehouse, Samual Whitehouse, William Whitman, George Robert Whitman, William Healey Wilkinson, John William Williams, Cecil Irvin Williams, Charles Henry Williams, Erik Garnet Williams, Frederick Everett Williams, Harold Hereford Williams, John Lewis Wilson, Alexander Wilson, Austin Wilson, James Arlington Winship, Charles Hubert Winter, Douglas James Winters, Lyndall Harris Winters, Roy Cecil Withycombe, Keith Dalston Wood, Edgar Lyndall Wood, Henry Gerard Wood, James Adolphus Wood, Louis Edwin Wood, Stanley Harold Woodroof, John James Woollard, Edwin Worrall, James Arthur Wright, John Joseph Wyman, Clyde L Wyman, George Edgar Wyman, Maynard Brown Wyman, Reginald Alonzo Wyman, Wilfred Adolphus Wyman, William Roy Young, Anna Teresa Young, John Henry
BR - British Military Service BR-MN - British Merchant Navy (1915) CAMC - Canadian Army Medical Corps MS - Merchant Seaman/Mariner RCN - Royal Canadian Navy RAF - Royal Air Force RFC - Royal Flying Corps RN - Royal Navy US - United States Service US MN - United States Merchant Navy NA - Not Available
Flag Counter
Wartime Heritage has identified the following 1736 individuals with connections to Yarmouth Town and County who served during WWI (Updated February 13, 2025)
Service Number:
2329834 733861 2163310 2329844 US-76011 439788 282932 733865 282666 3190612 282905 2329523 283566 1060158 US-397672 AU Home Ser. 733245 3180004 US-369148 3187157 2772656 21838 3180103 Au4783 91897 81306 3180005 Au B2455/4791 282973 282933 AU1811 734538 2204180 645707 US Air Service Captain, US US Air Service US MN 470539 734270 633592 4050499 282664 1099408 282663 734423 282306 67306 415570 NA 2329861 2329862 1060271 734452 2329863 2329859 282934 2704151 3181165 715965 3083476 1033147 US-1792459 469227 3181352 3180942 1099376 415740 282974 3181115 282935 733246 734307 415656 734131 283356 415742 488744 1099382 67159 4060875 Officer 1078273 BR MN US 1099398 283418 RFC 2700853 282936 3185669 3036204 733860 Officer 2329825 43874 3186167 282636 NA 901219 67162 3256632 US Army 223401 1030074 3186141 US 282635 283532 3181214 85953 BR MN 2013654 2005980 2015072 282665 4080250 2004771 495868 733859 2329845 415854 3185479 282938 734217 523617 Officer 40132 3181903 3180111 222889 283357 NA 2075644 1060033 470163 2137390 2013580 469833 2329827 Captain Major 3189896 BR MN 415774 734086 2779905 2100747 488299 2330479 2005027 1069946 BR MN 2006352 3082608 2100787 67302 BR 469363 734404 734407 826 1274246 1274247 470914 734477 91900 415515 282584 2100720 1274241 3189845 85670 627 469282 733644 282634 282937 326901 85724 2329828 4052630 BR MN 733247 3189868 57425 734264 696478 4062678 4062684 3190376 67296 438695 1274519 1099769 41167 470098 67163 282975 US 3187327 734220 US 469228 733952 3181776 3257759 3180114 415841 223229 734526 2163315 2329804 222882 1060042 85727 478713 283358 2101023 3180115 1258158 282369 282359 67465 1030944 RCN 415657 282633 282904 2731242 Lt. 716256 2100883 US 67393 Officer 282939 733561 214 91898 3181830 N/A 67467 734075 67467 2303861 3180502 733560 3181903 1099770 733951 2700829 3180117 742711 3180595 4050752 733425 282976 282632 42255 3111245 734087 NA 2265311 US 3181970 1030307 22063 111245 734524 57 469212 1099754 BR MN 3189284 482040 666844 1099761 3189899 1099755 1099759 1099756 2329829 282631 415580 1033227 905042 282940 282630 67738 478794 222979 1260754 NA 3186674 91902 470159 2329853 931333 BR MN 3180118 2329805 2329329 415581 1288879 733365 US 415582 2304295 733954 2193329 222880 734316 3186092 666902 734132 395739 734529 US Officer US Army Nurse 282629 283411 282628 282627 1099582 2735109 NA 469184 Lt 283411 488894 415583 734560 US 1274074 3180046 180491 180890 469195 Officer/502920 1635 1274266 282626 2304044 3186500 415658 469370 3186343 222862 US-3664763 283359 3190358 2329852 2005669 734317 US_MN US_MN 3187337 1010037 1030899 3180316 282625 4052516 BR 282135 282624 734127 282623 Captain 2329847 1060270 3190732 4052629 734085 734129 3190712 3180327 3181698 666695 3182006 2100450 733248 733558 4060336 3080339 BR MN 3181915 3189902 3190357 3181836 3188282 1274134 3190644 666827 CAMC 734278 222523 248500 1262027 283360 469278 522078 415842 469319 2304045 734424 444512 734305 2699247 1260654 222672 1262741 US/5134058 733809 733858 733863 2329814 1069987 Officer 282265 734266 108424 RCN 234540 742231 1015771 2329814 2532337 282941 3180985 733862 RFC/170298 470014 3189822 734265 507242 68104 1031127 US 502307 3185676 132121 BR MN BR MN 2699120 2329813 90282 BR 734403 734001 829307 3346686 830475 283456 734530 Officer 734306 111366 733649 2329815 415531 2379095 41179 BR MN 415743 1018159 US Lieutenant Officer US 733556 2329807 2163320 733238 470253 1274277 3181321 1274279 1263477 3189826 US Army US Navy US-547494 US 2329811 Officer 283361 2329856 RFC/71320 40844 2329808 1060039 415533 85746 91901 1099409 US-1747864 2329850 469200 469964 734267 3190055 3180520 1060202 283414 3180178 283468 Nursing Sister 222904 3186373 2329889 469082 282174 3085348 282942 62641-US US 470992 90543 2532338 1099758 742306 817114 666880 US-784738 733646 666829 4050476 476904 1099400 282854 415589 3185112 3189857 3181665 733953 734002 282943 69619 274191 1274156 282622 1060157 733947 734000 3189880 3181268 1099403 67314 NA 415649 NA 3199542 3180808 1274273 1274284 1099585 3180179 2163351 3189617 1099399 733796 733864 3181610 67167 734084 2532397 666881 1099388 US-4479655 2704180 415744 282637 3203063 488175 733239 734078 1274280 1060301 3190009 709403 282638 469932 2329826 283413 415845 67939 415856 733949 US-1393883 733240 Major 321905 1099390 3186237 1060331 1060203 2329812 282639 469273 1033142 2100991 BR-377873 2601988 282640 41567 MN/2005096 67164 415593 NA
Abbott, Clyde Vernon Abbott, Eben Scott Adams, Charles Franklin Adams, Clarence Wilber Adams, George Joseph Adams, Kenneth David Alchorn, Charles Montague Alder, Frederick Hollis Allen, Arthur Spencer Allen, Arthur William Allen, Asa Allen, Charles Hubert Allen, Clifford Murray Allen, Elburn Murray Allen, Frank Sinclair Allen, George Sheldon Allen, Gordon Willard George Allen, Harry Harrington Allen, Ivan Bradford Allen, Joseph Hamilton Allen, Karl Cecil Allen, Roy William Allen, Royden Allen, Trueman Moore Amero, Charles Vincent Amero, Edward Amero, John Philip Amero, Roy Joseph Amers, Robert John Amirau, Alex Valusien Amirault, Alcide William Amirault, Alfred Augustin Amirault, Clarence Joseph Amirault, Ernest Joseph Amirault, Francis Alphonse Amirault, Joseph Edward Amiro, Adolph Amiro, Alphonse Amiro, Benjamin Amiro, Bernard Clement Amiro, Charles Vincent Amiro, Dennis Amiro, Dennis Richard Amiro, Edward Amiro, Emery Amiro, James Theodore Amiro, Landry Louis Amiro, Louis Ross Amiro, Nelson Amiro, Robert Joseph Anderson, Alexander John Andrews, Alexander Carl Annable, Frederick Moody Annis, Fernando Seeton Annis, Frederick Frost Anthony, Allison B Archer, Frederick Wentworth Ashe, Wilfred Laurier Atkins, Lovitt Atkins, Murley Babin, Louis Albert Babine, Edward (Eddie) Lorie Babine, Joseph Abel Bain, Charles Sumner Bain, Ernest Foote Bain, George Joseph Bain, Harry Keith Bain, Irvin Charles Bain, Joseph Gibson Bain, Lloyd Bain, Ray Douglas Bain, Richard Saunders Bain, Robert Edison Bain, Willis Holland Baker, Alfred Islay Baker, George Allen Baker, George Charles Baker, Harry Singleton Baker, Herbert Peterson Baker, James McKay Baker, Karl Wyman Bambrick, Robert Burnyeat Barnes. Lalchler Tyler Bartlett, Simon Barton, William Joseph Beairsto, Mary Keir Beals, Frank William Beals, Harold Beaulier, Eustache Belliveau, Albeni Charles Belliveau, Anthony Belliveau, Hermon James Benham, Rachel Bennett, John William Bent, Charles Heber Bent, George (Godfrey Dolliver) Bent, John Patrick Bent, Roy Kenneth Berriman, Percy Adelbert Berry, Freeman Berry, Freeman Leslie Berry, George Ernest Berry, Gordon Berry, Henry Berry, Joseph Cecil Bertrand, Dennis Bethune, John Hartley Bethune, Leslie Bethune, William Henry Beveridge, Clarence Kinney Beveridge, Herman Havelock Beveridge, Willard Percy Bingay, Lloyd Woolsey Bingham, Harry A. Bishara, Gabriel (John) Bishara, Joseph George Blackadar, Frederick Smith Blackadar, George William Lee Blackadar, George Day Blackadar, John Archibald Blackadar, Karl Kenneth Blades, Charles Blades, Dennis Blades, Edward Milton Blades, Harry Blanchard, Laurie Blauveldt, Robert Brooks Blauvelt, Aaron Blauvelt, Benjamin Blauvelt, Hugh Osmund Bogman, John J. Borden, Adelbert John Boudreau, Edmond Boudreau, Frederick Boudreau, George William Boudreau, John Edward Boudreau, Lindsay John Boudreau, Luxime Mark Bourque, Ernest Jule Bourque, James Frank Boutcher, Amos P Boutchie, John Bower, Chester William Bower, Daniel Edward Bower, Ellsworth Byron Bower, Ernest Alfred Bower, Harry Frazer Boyd, Albert Brackett, Harold Austin Brackett, Kenneth Bradford Braithwaite, Ernest Scott Brannen, Archibald Dowell Brayne, Gerald Clifton Brayne, Harry Brayne, Warren Bridgeo, Edward Stephen Bright, Reuben Brindley, Charles Randolph Brittain, Firth Moody Broadwood, Hugh Henry Brody, Jack Brown, Arthur Brown, Arthur Brown, Hermann Hoffendahl Browne, Horace A. Brown, John Budrow, John Lawrence Bullerwell, Clayton Webster Bullerwell, Frank William Burbine, John Joseph Burgess, Arthur Burke, Ellie Burke, Emilien Burke, Frank Sylvester Burke, Melbourne Burns, John Russell Burrell, Clarence Christie Burrell, Eric Burrell, Joseph Leslie Burrell, Stanley Titus Burridge, George J. Burrill, George Burrill, Perry Harrison Burton, George Burton, James Donald Buse, Harry Butterworth, John Victor Byrne, Thomas Ives Cahan, John Flint Cain, Adelbert Miller Cain, Clyde Lyndon Cain, Irvin Samuel Cain, Norman Holmes Cairns, Richard Callahan, Frederick Campbell, Alexander Rae Campbell, Joseph Cann, Charles Gordon Cann, Chelsea Douglas Cann, Clyde Ray Cann, Ernest Henry Cann, Frederick Victor Cann, George Leslie Cann, Gilbert Franklin Cann, Henry Levett Cann, Hubert Edmond Cann, Ivan Douglas Cann, James Anthony Cann, James Ernest Cann, Jessie May Cann, Llyod Ellery Cann, Malcolm Cann, Robert Guest Cann, William Moses Cann, Wolsey Edwin Canty, Richard Yoe Carlin, John Carragher, Thomas Patrick Cavanagh, Gilbert Challoner, Albert Challoner, Joseph Challoner, Norman Charles Edward Chamberlain, George Henry Chandler, Harold Reginald Chapman, Thomas Chipman, Alvin Lewis Chipman, Donald Lewis Chipman, Nathan Lewis Chisholm, Colin Francis Chisholm, Dan Chisholm, Findley Christie, Emery William Christie, Percy Gordon Churchill, Albert Clayton Churchill, Alvin Churchill, Arthur Benjamin Churchill, Arthur Herbert Churchill, Azor Morrisey Churchill, Chester King Churchill, Clarence Phalen Churchill, David Strickland Churchill, Everett Arnold Churchill, Everett Rodrick Churchill, Frank Gordon Churchill, George Ainsley Churchill, George Ernest Churchill, John Clement Churchill, Judson Wyman Churchill, Malcolm Oscar Churchill, Murray Galt Churchill, Murray Mellish Churchill, Nathan L Churchill, Ralph Lloyd Churchill, Roderick Everett Churchill, Sarah Churchill, Warren Rupert Churchill, Warren Stanley Churchill, Watson Baker Churchill, Wilfred Laurier Churchill, William Penn Clark, Ralph Burton Clark, Robert Miller Clark, William Frank Clarke, Herbert Almon Clarke, Thomas Allan Claude Gray Cleland, David C. Clements, Joseph Alcide (Clairmont) Clements, Leander (Clairmont) Clements, Elkanah Ernest Clements, Elmer Charles Clements, Nathan St Clair Clairmont, Pierre A. (Clements) Clements, Robert Nehemiah Clements, Simon Coates, Everatt Raymond Coates, John Wesley Colborn, Henry Harrison Tilton Cole, Samuel S Coleman, Ernest Howard Collier, Frank Collier, John Leo Collier, Raymond Collison, Lawrence Colter, George Archibald Comeau, Edward William Comeau, Fidlis Joseph Leander Comeau, Gilbert Comeau, Edward Comeau, Lorenzo Joseph Comeau, Walter John Henry Conley, James Cook, Arthur Hilton Cook, Cecil Woodling Cook, Elmer Clayton Cook, George Stanley Cook, Gordon Brown Cook, Merrill Freeman Cook, Waitstill Freeman Cornell, Charles Benjamin Corning, Alice Corning, Frank Lester Corning, Frederick Dean Corning, Kenneth Samuel Corning, Raymond Murray Corning, Robert Forsyth Corning, Sara Cosman, Blanchard Cosman, James Cosman, William Ronald Cossar, Ralph A Cotreau, Adrian Cotreau, Albert George Cotreau, Auguste Venant Cotreau, Bernard Jerome Cotreau, Edward Cotreau, Eloi Mark Cotreau, Frank Alex Cotreau, Jules Alcide Cotreau, Louis Cotreau, Mark Alcide Cotreau, Nicholas Alphec Cotreau, Norman Isidore Crawford, Bowman Crawford, Charles Ambrose Crawford, Eugene Crocker, Charles Kingsley Crocker, Clifford Emerson Crosby, (Muise) Charles Edward Crosby, Alban Daniel Crosby, Albert Edgar Crosby, C. Crosby, Charles Augustus Crosby, Charles Harris Crosby, David Saunders Crosby, Ernest Hartley Crosby, Eugene Crosby, George Ryerson Crosby, Harold Erskine Crosby, Irvine Earle Crosby, Keith Bruce Crosby, Merle Gordon Crosby, Norris Erwin Crosby, Ralph Victor Crosby, Thomas Carleson Crosby, Vernon Guy Crowell, Charles Everett Crowell, Elmer Winsloe Crowell, Freeland Crowell, George Crowell, Harris Rogers Crowell, Harvey Edwin Crowell, Jonathan Crowell, Seymour Corning Crowell, Thorpe Douglas Crowell, William Culp, George Cunningham, Charles Asa Cunningham, Clayton Wilfred Cunningham, Everett Augustus Cunningham, Herbert Lorraine Currie, Freeman Randall Currier, William Calvin Curry, Emerson Ladd Curry, George Howard Curry, Guy Seymour Curry, William Burnette Cusick, Joseph Cyr, Leo K Dalton, Alfred Vernon Davis, Malcolm Bancroft Davis, Walter Nisbet Day, Frank Parker Deafortsagamohock, John Dease, Everett Delaney, Hiram Fredrick Delaney, Walter Delaney, William Andrew Delaney, William H. D'Entremont, Albany A. D'Entremont, Albert Fidelle D'Entremont, Alcide D'Entremont, Alfred Simeon D'Entremont, Alphe D'Entremont, Anselm D'Entremont, Austin Arthur D'Entremont, Charles Henry D'Entremont, Charles J. D'Entremont, Delislie Jerry D'Entremont, Edgar J. D'Entremont, Edgar Joshua d'Entremont, Edward J. D'Entremont, Evariste Justinine D'Entremont, Eve Joseph D'Entremont, Felix Joseph D'Entremont, Frank Albert D'Entremont, George Ephriam D'Entremont, Henry William D'Entremont, Jerome Apolinaire D'Entremont, John Eloi D'Entremont, Joseph Fulgence D'Entremont, Joseph Thomas D'Entremont, Joseph Andre D'Entremont, Leo J. (Zachrie) D'Entremont, Lucien Eldridge D'Entremont, Mandee Laurent D'Entremont, Marcel D'Entremont, Marcel Joseph D'Entremont, Melbourne D'Entremont, Raymond Henry D'entremont, Raymond J D'Entremont, Samuel Dominique D'Entremont, Siegfori Eugene d'Entremont, Sigefroid J. D'Entremont, Simeon A. D'Entremont, William Rudolph D'Eon, Benjamin Joseph D'Eon, Charles Eloi D'Eon, George Benedict D'Eon, John D'Eon, Joseph Jeremiah D’Eon, Joseph Liboire D'Eon, Luxime Elie D'Eon, Luxime Joseph D'Eon, Norbert Angus D'Eon, Raymond Maxime Deveau, Alexander Deveau, Alfred Deveau, Anthony Deveau, Anthony Joseph Deveau, Benjamin Deveau, Charles Deveau, Charles Deveau, Dennis Frank Deveau, Eddie George Deveau, Frank J. Deveau, George Alexander Deveau, George Ernest Deveau, George Joseph Deveau, Henry William Deveau, John Deveau, John Baptiste Deveau, John F Deveau, John Francis Deveau, Patrick Joseph Deveau, Peter Deviller, Norman Anthony Devine, George Horton Dewolfe, Percy Alton Dexter, James Wilbur Dexter, Thomas Dixon, Ernest Lester Doane, Clayton Densmore Doane, Henry Clinton Doane, James Freeman Dobson, Forest Gilbert Dodds, William Okell Holden Donohoe, John Doscet/Doucet, Dennis Doty, F.C. Doty, Irwin Cahan Doucet, Alcide Raymond Doucet, Peter Edward Doucett, Phillip Doucette, Adolphe E Doucette, Albert Peter Doucette, Anthony Doucette, Arthur John Doucette, Arthur William Doucette, Celestin Doucette, Charles William Doucette, Eugene A Doucette, Felix Doucette, George Alphonse Doucette, Henry Mike Doucette, Herman Henry Doucette, James Everett Doucette, John Edward Doucette, John Leo Doucette, John Robert Doucette, Joseph Alfred Doucette, Joseph Clifford Doucette, Joseph Edmund Doucette, Lawrence Joseph Doucette, Louis Doucette, Louis Alvine Doucette, Luggie Doucette, Mark Edward Doucette, Melbourne Joseph Doucette, Renie Doucette, Simon Doucette, Walter John Doucette, William Henry Dowling, John Barton Druker, Archibald Morton Duffy, William Henry Dulong, Arthur Dulong, Frank John Dulong, Frank Julian Dulong, Peter, Sylvine Dulong, Thomas Sylvine Dulong, William Harry Dunn, Adelbert Perrin Dunn, Arthur Augustus Dunn, Fenwick Hiram Dunphy, Lawrence Durfee, James McKay Durkee, Adelbert Augustus Durkee, Alonzo Willis Durkee, Bowman Archibald Durkee, Charles Henry Durkee, Clifford Sidney Durkee, Eben Perry Durkee, Elden W Durkee, Forrester Durkee, George Whitney Durkee, James Harvey Durkee, James Russell Durkee, James Wilson Durkee, Lester Pearl Durkee, Ralph Ernest Durkee, Roy Eugene Durker, Thomas Dwyer, James Henry Dyke, Charles Edward Earl, Clifford H. Earl, Harold Clifton Earle, Harry Austin Earle, Milledge Crouse Edwards, Lewis St. John Eldridge, Charles Tooker Eldridge, Eugene Victor Eldridge, Harry Eldridge, Harry Bradford Eldridge, Henry Eugene Eldridge, James Harvey Eldridge, James Rozee Eldridge, Robert Ernest Eldridge, Wilfred Sinclair Ellis, Charles Loran Ellis, Edward Ellsworth Ellis, Ernest Ethel Ellis, Ivan Earl Ellis, James Ellis, Robert McHenry Ellis, Raymond Ellis, Stewart Creelman Emin, Charles Emin, Leslie Ewan, Hedley Jenkins Ewan, Thayne Morrison Fader, Frederick David Fader, George Thomas Fader, William Fred Falt, Millard Farish, Catharine Farish, George Collins Faulkner, Aldred George Fells, Clarence Fells, Roy Fenton, Percy Forman Fenton, William Murray Ferguson, Freemann William Ferguson, John Alexander Ferguson, Lydia Reata Fitzgerald, Joseph Freeman Fitzgerald, Robert Fitzgerald, Robert Emmet Fitzgerald, Thomas Leander Fitzmaurice, Herbert Randolf Fitzmorris, Edward Fletcher, Hurbert Fletcher, John Fletcher, Otto Flower, Floyd Ashton Floyd, William Harold Forbes, Amos Hilton Forbes, Andrew Forbes, Arthur Hiram Forbes, Chas Bertram Forbes, Frank L Forbes, Howard Waldo Forbes, Percy Foster, Alonzo Edmund Foster, W Foster, William H. Foulis, George Irving Foulis, George Lorenso Fox, Annie Fox, Bradford Benton Fox, Dorothy Fox, James Ernest Fox, Lyle Cleveland Fox, Murray William Francis, John Francis, Luke Fraser, Chadborne Kenzie Fraser, Frank James Fraser, Maurice Frautten, John August Freeman, Karl Franklin Fritz, Carl Edwin Frost, Charles Jeffery Frost, Charles Sydney Frost, Roy St Clair Frotten, John Arthur Frotten, Maurice Joseph Fry George Norman Fuller, Albert Stenitt Fuller, David Furlong, Myles J.
Gallant, Arthur Gallant, Charles Benjamin Gallant, Leonard Henry Gallant, Walter Gardner, Alton Percy Gardner, Edward Stanley Gates, Frank Roy Gaudet, Adolphe Stephen Gaudet, Ernest John Gaudet, Fred Joseph Gaudet, Joseph Leger Gaudet, Louis Malcolm Gaudet, Rene Paul Gaudet, Timothy Israel Gaudette, Edward Joseph Gavel, Andrew Allan Gavel, Arthur Chester Gavel, Edgar Gavel, Edward Stanley Gavel, George Andrew Gavel, George Tilson Gavel, George William Gavel, Gilman Bond Gavel, James Maxwell Gavel, Kenneth Kirk Gavel, Lemuel Hobbs Gavel, Leslie Smith Gavel, Ralph Gavel, Roy Ferguson Gavel, Stanley Bernard Gavel, William Peters Gavel, William Weed Gayton, Arlington Raymond Gayton, Charles Arnold Gayton, Claude Victor Gayton, Donald McLeod Vince Gayton, John Avard Gayton, Roswell Gayton, William Albert Gear, Wallace Clark Gerry, Frederick Dwinal Gervis, George Melvin Gibson, Herbert Edward Gibson, John William Gibson, William John Daniel Giles, Frank George Giles, James Henry Giles, Matthew Giles, Thomas Gilman, Frank M Gilpatrick, Paul E. Gilpatrick, Verner E. Glode, Stephen Godfrey, Douglas West Goggin, Carroll Vincent Goggin, Francis James Golden, George Henry Golden, Robert Golden. Edward Goldsmith, George Burgess Goldsmith, Gilbert Judson Goodwin, Caleb Goodwin, Clarence Stanley Goodwin, Daniel Goodwin, Dexter Malone Goodwin, Elmer Goodwin, Harold Goodwin, Henry Richard Goodwin, Keith Ronald Goodwin, Lawrence Robert Goodwin, Leonard Henry Goodwin, Melvin Cyrus Goodwin, Merton Howard Goodwin, Raymond Harold Goodwin, Robert Lester Goodwin, Sidney Harold Goodwin, Thelston Goodwin, William Roy Goodwin, William Sargent Gordon, Albert Gordon, Charles Maurice Gornall, Herbert Thomas Goudey, Ansel Robert Goudey, B.C. Goudey, Clinton Leigh Goudey, Herbert Aaron Goudey, Herbert George Goudey, John Edwin Goudey, Keith Hunter Gough, William Dyer Gould, George Edward Gould, George Lyford Grace, Frederick William Graham, Edwin Ernest Graham, Herbert Graham, Percy Lenwood Grant, George Washington Grant, Robert Bradford Grantham, Charles Victor Gratto, George Arthur Graves, Richard Gray, Alton Burns Gray, Claude Gray, Colin Crawford Gray, Ernest Gray, Jesse Kendrick Gray, Murray S Gray/Grey, Clifford Lockly Green, Clyde Hamilton Greene, Chesley George Greenough, John R Greig, John B. Grey, Earl Gridley, Paul Gridley, William Francis Grierson, Burton John Robert Guest, Ivor Guinan, Richard Guiou, Gerald Wallace Hagen, Sigmund Martin Halliday, John Hamilton, Arthur Ross Hamilton, Benjamin Ralph Hamilton, Clifford William Hamilton, Hartley Hiram Hamilton, Henry Hamilton, Hugh Percy Hamilton, Leboire Hamilton, Percy Hamilton, Percy Morton Hamilton, Ralph Chesley Hamilton, Reubin Hamilton, Roger B Hamm, David Trefry Hamm, William Edward Handy, Arthur Bond Hanson, William John Harding, Charles Ernest Harding, Frank Ralston Harding, Harry Osborne Harding, Ralph Price Harding, William Lawrence Harris, A. H. Harris, Borden D Harris, Bradford Cann Harris, Charles William Harris, Harland Harris, Herbert George Harris, John T Harris, Louis Narcis/Lewis Harris, Nathan Harris, Vincent Haskins, Harold Haskins, Louis Hatfield, Allan Irving Hatfield, Arthur Wellsley Hatfield, Benjamin Horton Hatfield, Charles H Hatfield, Claude Stanley Hatfield, Cornelius Hatfield, Edgar Eugene Hatfield, Enos James Hatfield, Frederick Hatfield, George Herbert Hatfield, George Warren Hatfield, Gordon Jacob Hatfield, James Adolphus Hatfield, Lent Peter Hatfield, Lloyd Douglas Hatfield, Percy Stanley Hatfield, Ralph Norton Hatfield, Selwyn Blake Hatfield, Stanley Wellington Hattie, Bradford Hattie, Raymond Hawes, George Haycock, Carleton Augustus Hayes, Frank Melvin Hayes, John Guest Hayes, Vernon Colby Hazelton, Joseph Washington Helms, F. H. Hemeon, Carl Denlon Hemeon, Irving Leroy Hemeon, Ralph Bruce Hemeon, Rodney Phillips Hemeon, Vance Alton Hemlow, Albert Bertin Hemlow, Charles Herkes, Edwin Bailey Hersey, Adelbert Hersey, Frank Hersey, George Albert Hersey, Howard Leslie Hersey, Leman Hersey, Osborne Hersey, William Hessie, Frank Arthur Hewey, Warren Talmage (Tammage) Hicks, Wilbert Crosby Higby, Charles Ernest Higby, Ivan Vernon Higby, James Albert Hill, Cecil Morris Hillard, Robert Hilton, Alfred Dunstan Snow Hilton, Atwood Hilton, Austin Hilton, Charles Ivan Hilton, Edgar Robbins Hilton, Edward Freeman Hilton, Frank Hilton, Ross Laverne Hilton, Russell Eugene Hines, Ashton Staley Hines, Clinton Benjamin Hines, Lester Grant Hines, Sherman Hines, Wilfred Leslie Hipson, John Hipson, John P L Hipson, William Morton Hogg, Donald Hogg, George Wentworth Hogg, Leslie C Holden, Barney Holden, Ephraim Havelock Holden, John M Holden, Leonard Holly, James Walter Holmes, Charles Albert Edward Holmes, James Theodore Hood, Arthur William Hood, Samuel Clifford Horner, Albinus William Horner, Ralph Russell Horton, Ronald Bailey Horton, Wentworth Murray Horton, William Brady Hoskins, Harold Hubbard, Edward Hubbard, Frank Gus Hubbard, George Edward Hubbard, Irvin Hubbard, John Eli Hubbard, John Robert Hubbard, Leboire Hubbard, Leonde Hubbard, Lewis Doucette Hubbard, Montie E. Hubbard, Peter John Hubbard, Raymond Hubbard, Simon Lawrence Hubbert, Ramey Hubley, Benjamin Barabas Hudson, William Henry Hudson,Thomas Minard Hulsman, Chester Howard Hulsman, Vernon Busby Hunt, Hadley Cleveland Hunter, Charles E Hurlburt, Bernard Hatfield Hurlburt, Charles Hurlburt, Curtis Leroy Hurlburt, David Seamore Hurlbut, Joseph Hurley, George F. A. Huskins, Archibald Iriam, Frank Stanley Jack, George Henry Jacquard, Avery Jacquard, Ben Jacquard, Dennis Jacquard, Foreman Jacquard, Frank Anthony Jacquard, Harry Jacquard, Jarvis Jacquard, Joseph Jacquard, Nelson Jacquard, Raymond Jarvis, James Durham Jeffery, Albert Lawson Jeffery, Amos R Jeffery, Charles David Jeffery, Clement C. Jeffery, George Maynard Jeffery, Harvey Kenneth Jeffery, Heber Earle Jeffery, John William Jeffery, Joseph Bunker Jeffery, Max James Jeffery, Sidney Jeffrey, Frank Harold Jenkins, Aaron Jenkins, Ivan Charles Johnson, Basil Eloi Johnson, John Clarence Johnson, R. Johnston, Fred Louis Jones, Arthur Jones, Lewis Jones, William Frederick Karitem, Nimmer Kay, Leonard R Keen, Harold Kehoe, Donald Kelley, James Elmer Kelsey, Ernest Louis Kempton, Edward Blake Kempton, Stanley Soloman Kendrick, Murray Edward Kendrick, Nehemiah Henry Kenney, Archibald Kenney, Harold Archibald Kenney, John J. Kenney, Preston Arthur Kenny, George Killam, A Maud Killam, Albert E Killam, Boyce Scott Killam, Clare Vernon Killam, Everett Delmar Killam, George Edgar Killam, Gilbert Clark Killam, Kenneth A Killam, Mark Stephen Killam, Samuel Douglas Killam, Scott Boyce King Albert King, Clifford Stanley King, Everett Joseph King, Gordon Willoughby King, Milford Leslie Kinney, Archibald Kinney, Charles Arthur Kinney, Clair Franklin Kinney, Frank F Kirk, Charles Douglas Ladd, Forrest Arthur LaFave, John Henry Lancaster, Harold Tresslove Landers, Murray Bradford Landers, William Ellsworth Landry, Daniel Landry, Jeffire Langford, George Walter Langille, Carmen Lomert Langille, Frederick L. Langthorne, Morton Andrew Langthorne, William Lorne Languedoc, Arthur Larkin, Cecil Rhodes Larkin, David Freeman Larkin, Glendall Crowell Larkin, Harry Lewis Larkin, Harold Lamont Keith Larkin, Jerry Murphy Larkin, Kenneth Archer Larkin, Nathaniel Larkin, Ralph Walter Larkin, Walter Lauder, George Whitney Lauder, Robert Enwright Lavan, Wilfred Joseph Lawrence, John Lawrence, Lewis Lebbetter, Thomas Alphonsus LeBlanc, Abel LeBlanc, Ambrose R LeBlanc, Andrew LeBlanc, Anthony John LeBlanc, Arthur Hilare LeBlanc, Augustine Simon LeBlanc, Charles Franklin LeBlanc, Charles Morel LeBlanc, Charles Morris LeBlanc, David Melvin LeBlanc, Dennis Andrew LeBlanc, Frederick LeBlanc, James Andrew LeBlanc, Joseph Louis LeBlanc, Laurie John LeBlanc, Leo Frank LeBlanc, Less LeBlanc, Luke Avite LeBlanc, Luxene Lenard LeBlanc, Simon Paul LeBlanc, Valerie Mande LeBlanc, William John Lefave, Frank LeFave, Joseph Henry Lefevre, Joseph Albani Leishman, Catherine Lennox, Harold Lennox, Leslie Ashton Lent, William Harris Lewis, Charles Walter Hagar Lewis, Edmund McConnell Lewis, Eugene Murray Lewis, Henry Crowell Lewis, Murray Porter Lewis, Robert Burns Lewis, Thomas Freeman Little, Barney Lockhart, Grant Aaron Long, Thomas Harold Lorgere, Alvinie Anatole Lorrey, Archie Lovitt, Garnet Lincoln Chase Lovitt, Hector William Beveridge Lovitt, James L Lyons, George Thomas MacDonnell, Gladwyn John MacDonnell, John Harold MacFarlane, John MacGray, Benjamin Horton MacGray, Charles Leverne Mack, Robert Thornton MacKinnon, Harold Clinton MacKinnon, Malcolm MacKinnon, Norman Scott MacMullen, Charles Foster MacNutt, William Bowman Magoon, John Henry Mailman, Angus James Mallet, George Edward Mallett, James William Manning, Leslie Lovitt Marden, Elliott Merton Marshall, Calvin Valpey Marshall, Ernest Shaw Marshall, Herbert Ansley Marshall, Lloyd Hastings Marshall, Mortimer Villiers Martin, William Matheson, Charles Matthews, Edgar Keith Matthews, Emmanuel McComiskey, Charles Evans McComiskey, Edward Charles McConnell, Fred McConnell, Thomas Porter McCormick, Frederick Kelly McCormick, James Edward McCrae, Ivan Kieth McDonald, Charles Neill McDonald, George McDonald, Ralph McDonnell, John Mathers McDonnell, Dow McDonnell, Robert McGrath, Arthur Henry McGrath, Frank Joseph McGrath, Joseph Percy McGray, Stuart Pike McKee, Richard McKenna, George Hartley McKinley, Frederick McKinnon, William Karl McLaughlin, Alexander McLaughlin, Horace J McMannie, Fred McNair, Gerald Richard McNeill, Merrill Ivan McRitchie, Daniel Norman Medcalfe, Gordon Allison Melanson, Alia Melanson, Benoit Joseph Melanson, Cyril Charles Melanson, George Arthur Melanson, Henry Peter Melanson, John Arthur Melanson, Joseph Melanson, Peter Armice Meuse, Ambrose Meuse, Andrew Meuse, Augustus (Muise) Meuse, Calvin Henry Meuse, Frederick Albert Meuse, John Thomas Meuse, Thomas Edward Meuse, Peter Millar, John McIntosh Miller, Earle Russell Miller, Frank Miller, Graydon George Miller, William Mills, Cecil Clarence Mills, William Charles Misaner, Everett Orlando Misaner, John Willam Mitchell, Isaac F Moore, Albert Ernest Moore, Delisle R. Moore, William S. Moores, Clinton Ray Morine, Donald Lawrence Morrell, George Stanley Morris, Dennis Armond Morris, Louis Morrissey, Leslie Anderson Morton, Clarence Chestley Morton, Earl William Morton, Leslie Agustus Moses, Addie S. Moses, George Melbourne Moses, James Everett Moses, Lloyd Moses, Nathaniel Herman Moses, Paul Moses, Stephen Raymond Moses, William Stanley Moulaison, Edward John Moulaison, Elie Joseph Moulaison, John Moulaison, Melbourne Moulesong, Walter James Moulisong, Peter Jarvis Muese, (Muise) Alfred Joseph Muese, Fred Muise, Andrew Muise, Anthony Muise, Arthur Muise, Benjamin Muise, Benjamin Archibald Muise, Bennie (Meuse) Muise, Charles Edward Muise, Cyril William Muise, Dennis Muise, Eugene Muise, Eugene Louis Muise, Felix Muise, Frank Muise, George Muise, George Percy Muise, George Stanley Muise, George Thomas Muise, George William Muise, Harry Muise, Harry (Zacharie) Muise, James Louis Muise, James William Muise, Jarvis Muise, Jean Emilien Muise, John Muise, John Arthur Muise, John E. Muise, John Enos Muise, John F. Muise, John Frank Muise, John Fred Muise, John Theophie (Meuse) Muise, Joseph Ephrim Muise, Joseph Frederick Muise, Joseph John Muise, Joseph Raymond (Meuse) Muise, Joshua Aubrey Muise, Leo Joseph Muise, Leon Muise, Leonard Joseph Muise, Louis Muise, Manning Muise, Nelson Muise, Patrick John Muise, Peter Muise, Peter Muise, Peter Andrew Muise, Robert Muise, Robert John Muise, Robert Theodore Muise, Samuel Elie Muise, Sylvian Muise, Thomas Muise, Thomas Frank Muise, Vincent Paul Muise, William (Meuse) Muise, William Austin Muise, William Edward Muise, William Harry Mullen, Edgar Mullen, Elwood Mullen, Stephen Prime Mullin, Charles Munroe, Ernest Munroe, William H Murphy, Albert Francis (Frank) Murphy, Arthur Lewis Murphy, Arthur Lowell Murphy, Daniel Joseph Murphy, Edward Aaron Murphy, Frank Albert Murphy, Harry Robinson Murphy, John William Murphy, Joseph Edward Morris Murphy, Melford Murphy, Milton Murphy, Murray Ashton Murphy, Roy Vincent Murphy, William Edward Murray, John Murray, Louis Murree, Clifford Stanley Murree, Edward Edmund Murree, George Murree, Gordon S Murree, Harry Standley Murree, Ralph L
USCG - United States Coast Guard AU - Australian Service - Wartime casualty - No. 2 Construction Battalion - Enlistment Canadian Forestry Corps Yarmouth Born/Resident - Yarmouth Enlistment Canadian Forestry Corps Non Yarmouth Born/Resident
Background photos: (left) Private Earle Russell Miller (right) Private Edmund McConnell Lewis