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Remembering World War II
WWII Merchant Navy Casualties Nova Scotia
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Adams, Aubrey Adamson, Russell Ali, Said Allen, Warren Atwood, Norman Burnell Aubie, Albert Joseph Aucoin, Dedier Bagnell, Harold William Baker, Douglas Barter, Albert Archibald Beed, Charles Patrick Bennett, Reginald Berry, Raymond Billiard, Max Bishop, Justin Blackburn, Frederick Blackmoor, Muir Watson Blake, John Howard Bloomer, Melville H. Bona, Bernard Bowdridge, Frederick W. Bower, Carol Alexander Bowes, Edison Bowlby, Lloyd Ingram Bowser, Frederick Briand, Joseph Buchanan, John Kenneth Buchanan, Willard John Buckingham, Thomas J. Burke, John Warren Burt, Fred Burton, Joseph Bush, Henry Benjamin Campbell, David Campbell, Edmond Andrew Campbell, Garfield Cannell, Wilfrid Edwin Cantwell, Earl David Cardwell, Samuel Carroll, John Thomas Chapman, Alban, Jason Charles, Blaine Chase, Gordon Lyle Chiasson, William Chisholm, Alexander John Chisholm, Edwin MacDonald Clannon, James Benedict Clannon, Peter Martin Cleveland, Aaron Cleveland, Clarence Keldon Cleveland, Lawrence Douglas Cloran, Robert Cochrane, Leo Colpitts, Vaughn Comeau, Joseph Gerald Connors , Aubrey George Conrad, Elmar Coolen, Carl Hastings Coolen, Roy (Budd) Coombs, John William Corkum, Harold Cosman, Robert Le Roy Cossar, John Cottreau, Joseph Crosbie, William Joseph Crosby, Frank Killam Cross, Judson James Crossley, Maynard Wilbert Crouse, Donald Roseville Crowell, Clyde Crowell, Russell Crowell, William Dauphinee, Wilfred Eldon Davie, William Harold Davis, Samuel Dawson, John Deveaux, Wilfred John Dewhurst, Edward Dick, Donald Campbell Dickson, John Dickson, John Dixon, Cedric Wilson Doucette, Joseph E. Driscoll, Kenneth Dube, Raymond J. A. Duff, John George Dunne, James Albert Dwyer, William J. Ettinger, Claude W. Faulkner, Joseph Everett Fitzmaurice, Edward Norman Fong, Jack Forbes, Percy Duval Forsey, Robert Aron Forsyth, Arthur Churchill Forsythe, Percy Campbell Fournier, Andre Fowler, Stephen Gabriel, Albert Edward Gabriel, Walter Patrick Gammon, Bayne Winston Ganner, Michael Gates, Carrol R. George, Garfield Edward Getson, Frederick Getson, Harold Frank Gillespie, Roy William Gillis, Roderick James Goodwin, Charles Seyward Gorbell, Lillie Goving, George Graham, Neil Green, John Robert Guthro, Simon Hall, Lloyd Kenneth Hansen, Frederick Joseph Hansen, Raymond Hanson, James Lawrence Hardy, Claude Harris, Herbert Roy Hart, William A Hartling, Harold Harvey, Basil Morris Hashem, Peter Paul Hayes, Robert Ernest Hayman, Donald Stanley Hazel, Joseph Heath, Charles Gilbert Hemeon, Kenneth Smith Henderson, Kenneth Bernard Hilchey, Eugene A. Hoben, James Robert Hodder, Jacob George Houghton, Harry Purdy Hubley, Cecil Hughes, Robert J. D. Jensen, Edward Julien, Carl William Kearley, William Keating, John Murray Kehoe, Ambrose Kelly, Joseph Barnabie Kenney, Norman Hagar Kilcup, Jason King, John King, Joseph Victor Knickle, Fred Knight, Arthur Kuhl, Rene Arnold Landry, J. E. Landry, Norman Earl Langille, David Langille, Harold Langille, Wilfred LeBlanc, Joseph LeBlanc, James LeBlanc, Thomas Charles LeGag, Robert Levy, Harold Lindsay, Walter Livingston, Alexander Lloyd, Charles C. Luyten, Charles Cornelis Hendrick MacDonald, Dan Allister Murray MacDonald, John Albert MacDonald, John Douglas MacDonald, Ronald Francis MacDougall, James Bernard Edward MacDougall, John Joseph MacDougall, Michael MacIntyre, John Alexander MacIsaac, Joseph N. MacKenzie, John Alexander MacKinlay, Macgregor MacLellan, Wendell Gregory MacLeod, Angus MacLeod, Fraser Kenneth MacPhail, Harris Mahar, Daniel Mahar, Douglas Martell, Gerard Roy Mason, Arthur Robert Matheson, William Mattatall, Albert Lewis May, Harold Benjamin Dennis McCormick, George McCrea, Victor McDonald, Angus Miles Gregory McDonald, Arthur Vincent McDonald, Donald J. McDonald, Edward McDonald, Francis McDonald, Joseph McDonald, Thomas McDougall, William John McIntyre, Philip McIsaac, Michael J. McKinnon, Angus McLean, G. Leo McMullen, Thomas Gotobed McMullen, William McMullin, Patrick McNeil, Ignatius McNeill, Thomas Austin McPhee, James William McPherson, Michael Joseph Melanson, Eugene Andrews Melville, Albert Miles, James Mombourquette, George Moore, Cecil Morgan, John T. Morris, Victor, Elford Morrison, Lewis Nelson Morrison, Ronald Morrissey, Michael Mosher, Maxwell Moulaison, George Melbourne Munroe, (Carnot) Charles Munroe, Allan Munroe, Clarence Howard Murphy, William Alfred Murray, John Myers, Michael Naugler, Reginald C. Newell, Ephraim Eugene Newton, Gordon Newton, John William Nickerson, Carl Roy Nickerson, Lovitt Edward Nolan, Joseph Alphonces O'Brien, Robert O'Connell, J. O'Handley, John Olsen, George Frederick Orton, Richard Oxner, Fletcher Paine, John Ernest Palmer, Eugene Parker, John Edward Parsons, Andrew Peach, Charles Henry Pelly, Ernest S. Penny, George Edward Pierce, John Pierre, Louis Auguste Porter, Ralph Everett Publicover, William James Solomon Purves, James Barrington Quilty, William Joseph Raine, Earle Sturdee Rasmussen, Vernon Raynard, Stanley William Rector, Charles Edward Renouf, Edwin Richard, John Parker Richards, Carmen Richards, Clarence Risser, Harold E. Roberts, Ernest Henri Robillard, Marcel Robinson, Emerson Horace Robison, Linton James Rogers, James Robert Rose, Simeon Ross, Donald Brenton Roy, James Albert Sampson, Martin L. Sanford, Maurice Knowlton Saunders, John James Scallion, Gerald Bernard Scanlon, John Francis Scott, Edmund George Shannon, Charles Robert Shaw, Carl Hayward Shaw, Joseph Shea, Albert Sheridan, Philip Siteman. Robert Gordon Smith, Albert Osborne Smith, Frank Smith, Jack Lawrence Smith, Roger Galloway Spofforth, Thomas Joseph Sponagle, Harold Whitford Stone, Daniel Ralph Stone, Philip Matthew Sutherland, William Morrison Sutherland, William MacLellan Sweeney, James Swendsen, Oskar Charles Symonds, Robie Onley Taylor, Samuel Thomas, Charles Thompson, John Thornhill, George Grandy Tomiczek, Bruno Tooker, Charles Towan, William Trefry, Ernest F. Tyrrell, Harold Edward Underwood, Theodore Ruford Vatcher, Arthur J. Vaughan, Owen Havelock Walsh, John Joseph Warren, Curtis Weatherbee, RanFord (Ranceford) Whalen, George White, James Wilfred Patrick Whynacht, Gerald Steadman Williams, Burns Williams, Leslie Wilson, Samuel Winchester, Donald Smith Wood, Frank Ross Young, George
Seaman Fireman Donkeyman Able Seaman Fireman Junior Engineer Officer Able Seaman Oiler Fireman/Trimmer Mess Room Boy Able Seaman Able Seaman Fireman and Trimmer Fireman Mess Room Boy Ordinary Seaman Able Seaman Able Seaman Master Fireman First Officer Quartermaster Able Seaman Donkeyman Carpenter Chief Engineer Trimmer Able Seaman Second Engineer Able Seaman 2nd Steward Fireman Able Seaman Seaman Seaman Fireman and Trimmer 2nd Steward Trimmer Chief Steward Chief Officer Master Able Seaman Ordinary Seaman Deck Hand Seaman Engineer Officer Saloon Messman Fireman Fireman Engineer 2nd Steward Seaman Fireman Able Seaman Ordinary Seaman Deck Cadet Able Seaman First Officer Carpenter Able Seaman Chief Officer Able Seaman 4th Mate Watchman Seaman Captain Fireman Able Seaman Able Seaman Fireman Fifth Engineer Officer Able Seaman Ordinary Seaman Fireman Galley Boy Fireman/Trimmer 4th Engineer Able Seaman Engineer Officer Fireman Fireman 7th Engineer Fireman Able Seaman Able Seaman Carpenter Third Engineer Officer Trimmer Third Officer Master Chief Radio Officer Assistant Steward Pantryman Able Seaman 3rd Mate Messman Able Seaman Able Seaman Trimmer Fireman Ordinary Seaman Fireman and Trimmer Able Seaman Oiler Able Seaman Fourth Mate Engineer Officer Fireman and Trimmer Able Seaman Stewardess Able Seaman Able Seaman Third Mate Boy Fourth Engineer Officer Able Seaman Wiper Oiler Fireman and Trimmer Ordinary Seaman Fireman Fireman Able Seaman Able Seaman Chief Steward Baker Assistant Steward Wireless Operator Second Cook Fireman Pumpman Third Mate Mess Room Steward Chief Refrigerator Eng. Able Seaman Fireman Master Steward/Chef Engine Boy Waiter Fireman Chief Cook Abe Seaman Able Seaman Sailor Second Engineer Officer Able Seaman Able Seaman Second Engineer Mate Able Seaman Seaman Second Cook Seaman Mess Room Steward Able Seaman 2nd Steward 1st Mate Chief Steward Ordinary Seaman Able Seaman Cook Third Engineer Officer Able Seaman Chief Steward Greaser Seaman Fireman Radio Operator Fireman and Trimmer Fireman Ordinary Seaman Boatswain Chief Engineer Officer Able Seaman Oiler Fireman and Trimmer Quartermaster Able Seaman Third Engineer Officer Ordinary Seaman Able Seaman Fireman Mess Room Boy Third Radio Officer Able Seaman Mess Room Boy Assistant Steward Galley Boy Fireman Deck Hand Fireman Fireman/Coal Trimmer Quartermaster Mess Room Boy Fireman Mess Room Boy Ordinary Seaman Ordinary Seaman Second Mate Fireman Oiler Fireman and Trimmer Cabin Boy Boatswain Ordinary Seaman Seaman Ordinary Seaman Boatswain Mess Room Boy Oiler Trimmer Sailor Surgeon Greaser Fireman and Trimmer Ordinary Seaman Oiler Oiler Fireman and Trimmer Fifth Engineer Officer Mess Room Boy Carpenter Able Seaman Able Seaman Able Seaman Wheelsman Wheelsman Able Seaman Able Seaman Able Seaman Trimmer Boatswain Trimmer Pantryman Fireman Cook Greaser Able Seaman Purser Mess Room Boy Liaison Radio Officer Assistant Cook Ordinary Seaman Fireman and Trimmer Chief Steward Chief Mate Master Cook Fireman Able Seaman Oiler Steward Chief Cook Leading Seaman 2nd Mate Fireman Able Seaman Sailor First Radio Officer Fireman and Coal Trimmer Master Seaman Fourth Engineer Officer Seaman Plumber Boatswain Ordinary Seaman Shipwright Oiler Mess Room Boy Galley Boy Trimmer Seaman Boatswain Ordinary Seaman Oiler Fireman Mess Room Boy Boatswain Boatswain Assistant Steward Ordinary Seaman Fifth Engineer Officer Third Officer Wiper Quartermaster Senior Wireless Operator Boatswain Ordinary Seaman Second Engineer Sailor Second Cook Ordinary Seaman Linen Keeper 2nd Engineer Officer Ordinary Seaman Saloon Messman Greaser Ordinary Seaman Able Seaman Ordinary Seaman First Mate 4th Engineer Chief Radio Officer Able Seaman Oiler Fireman Second Cook and Baker Sailor Oiler Fireman and Trimmer Fireman Steward Pantryman Fourth Engineer Officer
SS Lillian E. Kerr SS Albert Le Borgne (France) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Liverpool Packet (Liverpool, NS), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Montrolite (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Mont Louis (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Kyno (Hull, England) Canadian Merchant Navy MV Velma (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Ocean Venture (London), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Christian J. Kampmann (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy Fort Columbia (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Christian J. Kampmann (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy S.S. King Malcolm (London, England) SS Lord Kelvin SS Kantara (Liverpool) Canadian Merchant Navy MV Montrolite (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Vancouver Island (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Walter R. M. Russ, Canadian Merchant Navy SS John W. MacKay (London), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sarniadoc (Fort William) Merchant Navy SS Fjord (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Prescodoc (Fort William), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sirikishna (Leith, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Illinois, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Thalia (Greece); Canadian Merchant Navy SS Proteus (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nipiwan Park (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Gypsum Queen (Middlesbrough, England, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sambre SS Hoegh Silverdawn (Norway),Canadian Merchant Navy SS Prescodoc (Fort William), Canadian Merchant Navy SS El Lago (New York) MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Montrolite (Montreal) Canadian Merchant Navy MV Montrolite (Montreal) Canadian Merchant Navy SS St. Malo (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nereus (Montreal); Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire March (Barrow, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Robert Gray, US Merchant Marine SS Ardanbhan (Glasgow, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS John W. MacKay (London), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Christian J. Kampmann (Canada),Canadian Merchant Navy Schooner Frederick P Elkins (St. John's), Canadian Merchant Navy SS John Straub (Armed American Merchant Ship) SS Lord Kelvin SS Torondoc (Fort William, Ontario), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lake Osweya (Dearborn, US), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Yarmouth, US Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Indier (Belgium), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Vancouver Island (Montreal) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Florian (Liverpool, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rosewood, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lissa, (Glasgow, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS St. Malo (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Justitia (London, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Chelsea (Hull), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Clan Campbell, (London), British Merchant Navy SS St. Malo (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Wigry, Merchant Navy SS Inverdargle (Glasgow, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nereus (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Pilar de Larrinaga (Liverpool, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nereus (Montreal) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Afrika (Glasgow) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Vancouver Island (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Darcoila (Glasgow, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Zebulon Pike, United States Merchant Navy SS City of Atlanta, United States Merchant Navy SS Nereus (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nereus (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Carlier (Belgium), Canadian Merchant Navy SS St. Malo (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Montrolite (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Roxby, Canadian Merchant Navy SS J.B. White, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS West Portal (San Francisco, USA) Merchant Navy Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Erviken (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS St. Malo (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Vineland, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Grayburn, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nyland (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Swiftpool (West Hartlepool, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nereus (Montreal) Canadian Merchant Navy SS William S. Thayer, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Ceramic (Southampton, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Thalia, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Grayburn, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Ohioan (Canadian Merchant Navy) MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Llanashe (London, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire Airman, Canadian Merchant Navy Sailing Vessel Angelus (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Wigry, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Suecia (Sweden) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Ingerfire (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy Gypsum Prince, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Oakcrest (London, England) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Yat Shing (Hong Kong) SS Ramapo, (Panamanian), US Merchant Navy SS St. Malo (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Mildred Pauline (Sydney, NS), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Mildred Pauline (Sydney, NS), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lillian E. Kerr SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lillian E. Kerr SS Proteus (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Centaur (Liverpool, England) Australian Merchant Navy S.S. Inverilen (Glasgow, Scotland) SS Lillian E. Kerr SS Cyrus Field, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Hoegh Silverdawn (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lasalle (USA), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rio Dorado (London, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Watuka (Pictou, Nova Scotia) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Harbury (London, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Liguria (United Kingdom), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Carolus (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire Crossbill (London), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Mont Louis (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Valparaiso (Sweden), Canadian Merchant Navy SS William P. Coleman (US) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Mildred Pauline (Sydney, NS), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire Crossbill (London), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Vancouver Island (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria) Canadian Merchant Navy MV Montrolite (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Salviking (Glasgow, England), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria) Canadian Merchant Navy Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lifland (London, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS St. Malo (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Trawler Ebb SS St. Malo (Canada) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Bateau (Panama), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nyland (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Portugal (Belgium) Canadian Merchant Navy Motor Tanker Barbro (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Erviken (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Henri Mory (Swansea, Wales), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Vancouver Island, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Reedpool (Stockton-on-Tees, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire Sky (Sunderland, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Haxby (West Hartlepool, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy United States Merchant Navy, Eastern Steamship Company Motor Tanker Barbro (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sirikishna (Leith, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Marianne (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Kolchis (Greek Registry) SS Mary Slessor (Liverpool, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Hoegh Silverdawn (Norway),Canadian Merchant Navy Army Transport Jack, United States Merchant Navy Lisieux, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Swiftpool (West Hartlepool, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nereus (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS San Emiliano, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Vancouver Island (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Bic Island (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sarniadoc (Fort William, Ontario, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sarniadoc (Fort William, Ontario, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire Eland (London), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire Eland (London), Canadian Merchant Navy S.S. Sirikishna (Leith) SS Baron Graham (Ardrassan), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Justin Doane, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Gandia (Belgium), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Eston (London, England),Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lillian E. Kerr SS Gloucester Castle (London, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy Motor Tanker Barbro (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Wigry, Merchant Navy SS Lerwick (London) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sirikishna (Leith, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire Crossbill (London), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Montrolite (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Saint Mihiel (US Tanker), United States Merchant Navy SS Lillian E. Kerr SS Mildred Pauline (Sydney), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Nerissa (Hamilton, Bermuda), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Torvanger (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Esso Williamsburg, US Merchant Navy SS Western Head (Nassau), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lord Kelvin SS Lillian E. Kerr SS St. Malo (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Derrynane (London, Enmgland), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Linaria (North Shields, England)Canadian Merchant Navy SS Bateau (Panama), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy USAT Elijah White, US Merchant Navy SS Llanashe (London, England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sesostris (Egypt), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Montrolite (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy HMCS St Croix, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Toronto City (Bristol, England), Canadian Merchant Navy Merchant Navy (died in St. John’s Nfld; Illness) SS El Lago (New York), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Kalliopi (Greece), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Blink (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire Dabchick (London), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Malaya II. (Glasgow, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Montrolite (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Stanwood, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Vancouver Island (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sirikishna (Leith, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy SS William S. Thayer, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Empire Eland (London), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Ingerto (Norway), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Mildred Pauline (Sydney, NS), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sirikishna (Leith, Scotland), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Ville de Liege (Belgium), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Lady Hawkins (Halifax) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Algonquin Park (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Rose Castle (Halifax), Canadian Merchant Navy MV Victolite (Victoria), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Marconi Motor Transport Barbo (Norway) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Cornwallis (Vancouver), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Frederick S. Fales (Hong Kong), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Africanda SS Liverpool Packet (Liverpool, NS), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sheaf Mount (England), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Henri Mory (Swansea, Wales), Canadian Merchant Navy SS St. Malo (Canada), Canadian Merchant Navy SS Ville de Namur, Canadian Merchant Navy SS Maplecourt (Montreal), Canadian Merchant Navy
November 13, 1942 December 21, 1940 November 2, 1942 May 28, 1942 May 30, 1942 February 4, 1942 February 6, 1941 May 8, 1942 August 28, 1940 October 14, 1944 September 21, 1940 November 2, 1942 February 6, 1941 February 8, 1942 November 3, 1942 January 1, 1947 November 3, 1942 October 31, 1941 June 30, 1940 October 21, 1944 February 4, 1942 October 15, 1941 February 6, 1941 July 16, 1945 September 6, 1943 March 16, 1942 December 2, 1941 May 28, 1942 February 11, 1942 February 11, 1942 November 2, 1942 July 29, 1942 January 19, 1942 February 24, 1941 June 2, 1942 February 6, 1941 January 19, 1942 October 18, 1940 November 23, 1941 January 4, 1945 September 10, 1941 October 22, 1939 June 15, 1943 July 29, 1942 October 11, 1942 February 11, 1942 February 4, 1942 February 4, 1942 October 12, 1940 December 10, 1941 December 3, 1944 January 2, 1943 May 28, 1942 May 28, 1942 December 3, 1944 April 19, 1943 December 27, 1940 January 19, 1942 February 14, 1940 November 3, 1942 August 25, 1943 April 19, 1944 February 15, 1947 May 20, 1942 February 19, 1942 March 8, 1944 February 11, 1942 April 3, 1941 October 15, 1941 January 20, 1941 March 9, 1943 November 21, 1941 February 11, 1942 October 12, 1940 November 22, 1940 October 10, 1939 May 28, 1942 February 6, 1941 March 23, 1942 October 12, 1940 January 16 1942 January 16, 1940 February 6, 1941 February 11, 1942 December 10, 1941 July 18, 1941 January 19, 1942 November 2, 1942 February 11, 1942 May 28, 1942 December 10, 1941 February 7, 1943 October 15, 1941 November 12, 1940 January 15, 1945 January 19, 1942 December 10, 1941 December 3, 1944 November 2, 1942 December 10, 1941 September 21, 1940 November 11, 1943 October 21, 1940 May 28, 1942 February 11, 1942 February 11, 1942 February 4, 1942 November 7, 1942 March 16, 1941 January 19, 1942 February 5, 1943 December 16, 1941 November 2, 1942 October 16, 1941 January 19, 1942 October 12, 1940 September 21, 1940 April 30, 1942 June 29, 1941 December 6, 1940 September 21, 1940 August 5, 1941 December 10, 1941 April 30, 1944 September 21, 1940 January 19, 1942 December 7, 1942 October 10, 1940 June 29, 1941 May 8, 1942 February 11, 1942 May 28, 1942 December 3, 1944 January 19, 1942 February 17, 1943 September 21, 1940 May 19, 1943 January 15, 1942 September 21, 1940 August 16, 1942 April 11, 1943 February 6, 1941 December 3, 1944 March 4, 1942 November 22, 1940 February 19, 1944 February 16, 1942 October 12, 1940 January 19, 1942 May 8, 1942 May 8, 1942 November 13, 1942 February 6, 1941 November 13, 1942 November 23, 1941 May 14, 1943 February 3, 1943 November 13, 1942 February 2, 1946 June 15, 1943 September 26, 1942 March 16, 1941 February 6, 1941 March 22, 1944 May 28, 1942 May 4, 1943 March 29, 1941 December 3, 1944 October 9, 1942 September 11, 1941 May 8, 1942 December 1, 1940 April 1, 1946 May 8, 1942 December 3, 1944 November 2, 1942 September 11, 1941 October 15, 1941 May 28, 1942 May 28, 1942 February 11, 1942 February 4, 1942 February 6, 1941 February 11, 1942 December 3, 1944 February 14, 1944 February 11, 1942 1946 September 28, 1942 October 12, 1940 July 28, 1942 October 12, 1940 March 27, 1942 January 19, 1942 December 6, 1940 January 20, 1941 September 19, 1941 October 16, 1941 April 26, 1941 October 16, 1941 September 20, 1942 November 2, 1942 November 6, 1942 April 24, 1940 May 28, 1942 November 2, 1942 1942 September 19, 1941 November 2, 1942 February 24, 1941 September 21, 1940 December 12, 1942 January 19, 1942 November 23, 1940 February 7, 1943 February 6, 1941 June 15, 1943 May 27, 1942 November 27, 1940 August 5, 1941 December 10, 1941 August 9, 1942 December 3, 1944 October 15, 1941 October 29, 1942 January 19, 1942 March 16, 1942 March 16, 1942 September 15, 1941 September 15, 1941 February 24, 1941 April 11, 1943 October 25, 1943 January 22, 1942 December 3, 1944 January 28, 1940 November 13, 1942 July 15, 1942 May 28, 1942 January 19, 1942 January 20, 1941 January 16, 1942 February 26, 1940 February 24, 1941 September 11, 1941 February 4, 1942 April 9, 1945 November 13, 1942 May 1, 1942 December 3, 1944 April 30, 1941 June 23, 1942 September 23, 1942 May 28, 1942 January 29, 1948 November 13, 1942 October 12, 1940 February 6, 1941 February 12, 1941 February 24, 1941 March 27, 1942 December 3, 1944 January 1, 1946 February 17, 1943 January 29, 1941 January 19, 1942 December 3, 1944 February 4, 1942 September 20, 1943 September 21, 1940 September 21, 1940 September 21, 1940 July 2, 1941 December 26, 1941 October 11, 1942 February 6, 1941 February 6, 1941 February 2, 1943 February 11, 1942 January 19, 1942 December 3, 1942 June 27, 1941 December 3, 1944 February 11, 1942 February 4, 1942 February 11, 1942 January 19, 1942 December 10, 1939 October 15, 1941 February 24, 1941 April 30, 1944 September 15, 1941 February 11, 1942 March 1, 1942 January 19, 1942 May 8, 1942 February 24, 1941 February 11, 1942 March 13, 1941 February 6, 1941 January 19, 1942 April 23, 1945 November 2, 1942 February 11, 1942 December 3, 1944 December 15, 1939 September 19, 1941 December 3, 1944 September 21, 1940 January 12, 1942 May 30, 1942 August 24, 1942 April 26, 1941 October 12, 1940 March 26, 1941 February 6, 1941
21 25 46 31 35 20 52 18 28 21 24 18 29 30 20 20 26 30 48 34 33 20 29 32 47 44 32 18 45 19 26 24 55 37 45 28 38 21 49 49 47 60 20 29 33 21 20 22 50 24 25 28 18 25 18 20 23 40 34 UN 59 23 38 38 24 59 25 26 21 46 26 52 19 27 19 51 47 27 25 30 29 20 33 21 20 60 52 22 31 67 23 20 45 37 22 63 20 43 20 18 19 26 26 21 25 23 22 29 23 58 27 20 30 19 28 17 20 19 20 26 40 52 21 26 33 30 20 48 36 32 32 36 21 54 50 30 42 19 UN 16 38 45 19 21 28 52 39 27 37 44 45 19 20 21 21 46 27 43 39 20 34 38 31 23 49 29 34 24 19 38 22 36 35 40 20 21 20 21 32 40 16 26 38 24 17 29 20 28 18 28 UN 20 24 24 21 33 20 25 UN 33 20 22 34 19 27 18 26 31 42 17 24 29 44 27 38 48 15 46 23 31 32 18 62 42 25 24 23 26 27 25 32 38 40 21 17 36 35 49 27 26 24 39 60 18 18 48 43 35 34 23 19 24 47 61 51 35 18 20 21 29 20 36 60 33 23 26 34 36 28 22 28 27 25 42 32 24 27 20 20 46 47 26 19 42 24 18 27 27 22 19 46 20 28 23 35 21 35 17 28 19 16 18 40 32 24 57 22 21 29 32 22 23 49 41 42 23
Lost at Sea Liverpool (Anfield) Cemetery, Lancashire, UK Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Merthyr Dyfan Burial Grounds, Barry. Wales Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Buried at Sea (died in Santos, Brazil) Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS St Johns Cemetery, Halifax Chester (Overleigh) Cemetery, Cheshire, England Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Lost at Sea (Grassholm Island, UK) Buried At Sea (Addu Atoll, Maldives) Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Unknown Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halufax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Hillside Cemetery, Lincolnville Center, Maine, US Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax Halifax Memorial, NS Cementerio San José, Puerto Rico, USA Edmonds Memorial Cemetery, Washington US Camphill Cemetery, Halifax Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Hawaii, US Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Unknown Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Tower Hill Memorial, London, England Halifax Memorial, NS SS Wigry Memorial, West Iceland Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Unknown Grave/Memorial (United States) United States Navy Memorial Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Dominion, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Unknown Unknown Halifax Memorial Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial Halifax Memorial, NS Unknown Halifax Memorial, NS Stanley Miniltary Cemetery, Hong Kong Unknown Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Lost at Sea Halifax Memorial, NS Lost at Sea Halifax Memorial, NS Sydney Memorial, Australia Halifax Memorial, NS Lost at Sea Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Halifax Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Padua War Cemetery, Italy Halifax Memorial Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Chalmers Cemetery, Dominion, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial Halifax Memorial, NS Essex, Mass, US; (Lost at Sea) Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Tower Hill Memorial, London, England Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Unknown Pine Hill Cemetery, Victoria, NS (Memorial) Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Tower Hill Memorial, London, UK Buried At Sea (Port Clarence, UK) Unknown Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Lost at Sea Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS SS Wigry Memorial, West Iceland Forest Park Cemetery, Houston, Texas, US Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS United States Navy Memorial Lost at Sea Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Unknown Halifax Memorial, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax Lost at Sea Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS St. John’s, Nfld (burial) Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Falmouth Cemetery, Cornwall, England Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Windsor Maplewood Cemetery, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Lunenburg Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Halifax Memorial, NS Mazargues War Cemetery, Marseilles, France Halifax Memorial, NS
Lunenburg Cape Breton Halifax Lunenburg Shelburne Halifax Inverness Cape Breton Guysborough Inverness Halifax Hants Yarmouth Cape Breton Kings Halifax Colchester Cape Breton Halifax Halifax Halifax Shelburne Halifax Kings Halifax Richmond Cape Breton Queens Halifax Halifax Cape Breton Victoria Lunenburg Cape Breton Halifax Cape Breton Halifax Cape Breton Halifax Halifax Halifax Unknown (Nova Scotia) Halifax Inverness Antigonish Pictou Richmond Richmond Lunenburg Halifax Queens Cape Breton Cumberland Cumberland Digby Yarmouth Lunenburg Halifax Halifax Halifax Lunenburg Yarmouth (NS Parent) Halifax Yarmouth Richmond Yarmouth Queens Hants Lunenburg Digby Shelburne Yarmouth Halifax Halifax Cape Breton Halifax Inverness Kings Pictou Cape Breton Cape Breton Queens Yarmouth Halifax Queens Cape Breton Halifax Cape Breton Hants Kings Halifax Hants Yarmouth Cape Breton Hants Yarmouth Queens Colchester Cape Breton Halifax Guysborough Halifax Annapolis Cumberland Lunenburg Lunenburg Halifax Guysborough Guysborough* Halifax Annapolis Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Halifax Halifax Queens Victoria Cape Breton Halifax Halifax Halifax Hants Halifax Halifax Halifax Shelburne Yarmouth Guysborough Halifax Cumberland Cape Breton Halifax Halifax Pictou Lunenburg Cape Breton Halifax Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Yarmouth Hants Cape Breton Halifax Lunenburg Halifax Antigonish Cape Breton Cape Breton Lunenburg Lunenburg Lunenburg Cape Breton Yarmouth Inverness Lunenburg Halifax Halifax Cape Breton Halifax Halifax Victoria Richmond Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Colchester Guysborough Cape Breton Cape Breton Victoria Pictou Cumberland Cumberland Halifax Halifax Halifax Hants Halifax Cape Breton Kings Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Richmond Inverness Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Halifax Cape Breton Digby (NS born Parent) Cape Breton Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Halifax Lunenburg Cumberland Cape Breton Halifax Lunenburg Yarmouth Victoria Victoria Halifax Halifax Halifax Pictou Lunenburg Shelburne Cape Breton Cape Breton Shelburne Shelburne Cape Breton Cape Breton Unknown (Nova Scotia) Cape Breton Halifax Halifax Lunenburg Halifax Cumberland Halifax Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Yarmouth Lunenburg Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Cumberland Yarmouth Cumberland Halifax Lunenburg Lunenburg Lunenburg Lunenburg Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Pictou Pictou Cape Breton Pictou Pictou Richmond Cumberland Halifax Halifax Halifax Cape Breton Cumberland Halifax Halifax Halifax Cape Breton Halifax Lunenburg Unknown (Nova Scotia) Colchester Halifax Halifax Lunenburg Richmond Halifax Cumberland Pictou Cape Breton Cape Breton Shelburne Halifax Pictou Halifax Cape Breton Cape Breton Digby Halifax Yarmouth Cumberland Hants Halifax Lunenburg Halifax Digby Cape Breton Cape Breton Halifax Lunenburg Shelburne Halifax Unknown (Nova Scotia) Digby Annapolis Richmond
During World War II, the strategic location of Halifax, Nova Scotia on Canada's east coast Halifax, Nova Scotia made it a vital port for assembling and dispatching convoys of merchant ships carrying essential supplies, troops, and equipment across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. Halifax harbour became a bustling scene of activity as ships were loaded with provisions and troops. Other ports, Sydney, Shelburne, and Yarmouth saw the arrival and departure of merchant ships en route to join convoys. These convoys, while guarded by naval escorts, faced perilous journeys through treacherous waters infested with German U-boats. Marked by the constant danger and hardship, the World War II merchant seaman faced a multitude of risks. Long voyages often meant enduring harsh weather conditions, and the knowledge of knowing that at any moment, their ship could be the target of enemy forces. Many merchant ships fell victim to the German U- boats. A torpedo strike often resulted in ships sinking in minutes. On February 24, 1941, the SS Sirikishna was hit on the port side amidships by one torpedo from U-96 south of Iceland with the lost of all 43 members of the crew, including five from Nova Scotia. The crew of the MV Victolite met a similar fate. The ship’s Captain, 44 crew members, and two gunners were lost. The youngest was the sixteen year old Daniel Ralph Stone of Richmond Co., Nova Scotia. On March 17, 1942, the SS Clare Lilley, a British cargo vessel, was lost in a storm when the ship ran aground off Portuguese Cove, near Halifax harbour. While most seamen were rescued, three bodies were retrieved, and brought into Halifax. The body of James Rafter, aged 24, was recovered off Camperdown in Shelburne Co., and taken to Halifax. When lifeboats were launched, survivors in the lifeboats, that could include injured seamen, could only hope for rescue. James Haldane McDonald Harrower of Edinburgh, Scotland, aged 25, was the 2nd Radio Operator on the SS Larpool when the ship was torpedoed on November 2, 1941. After 13 days in the lifeboat, he died of exposure, shortage of food, and water only a few hours before the remaining occupants were rescued by HMCS Bittersweet. His body buried at Halifax. Merchant Seaman with no direct connection of Nova Scotia are buried in Halifax, Lockport, Sydney, Yarmouth, and Lockport cemeteries. The causes death include heart failure, pneumonia, diabetic coma, tuberculosis, drowning, diphtheria, and accidents. While in the Port of Halifax, Joseph Rio of Marseille, France, aged 35, died the result of a skull fracture when he was struck by a falling derrick boom on the SS Saintouge. Thomas Henry Michael Pett of Oldham, Lancashire, UK, aged 17, died of multiple injuries when he fell between decks on the MV Asbjord. Abdul Malik of Calcutta, India, aged 46, fell from the mast of the SS Sembilangan and died of his injuries. These three are buried in Halifax cemeteries. Maurice Poba, Seaman, and 2nd Cook, aged of Mayumba, South West Africa (Gabon) died of wounds when the SS Fort Binger was attacked by a U-boat. The ship having survived the attack entered the harbour of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, on May 18, 1942. Maurice Poba was buried in Our Lady of Calvary Cemetery, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia The service of merchant seaman did not always receive the same attention or appreciation as that of soldiers, sailors, or airmen directly engaged in combat. This lack of recognition led to their service being referred to as "the forgotten navy," reflecting the sentiment that their critical role in enabling the success of military campaigns and sustaining entire war efforts was not adequately acknowledged or remembered in historical narratives or public consciousness compared to other branches of the armed forces. Over time, efforts have been made to highlight and honor the bravery and sacrifices of these unsung heroes, ensuring that their crucial role in wartime operations is remembered and appreciated in the broader context of World War II history. Their sacrifices and courage remain a testament to their unwavering commitment to supporting the Allied cause during one of history's most challenging periods. Wartime Heritage has identified 316 Merchant Mariners with connection to Nova Scotia, by birth, residence, or marriage. 78 Merchant Mariners no direct connection to Nova Scotia are buried in cemeteries, having died of natural causes, accident, or recovered from lifeboats and brought to Nova Scotia ports.
The 316 Merchant Seaman casualties of WWII listed include those born in Nova Scotia, parent(s) were born in Nova Scotia, married to a Nova Scotian, or were a resident of Nova Scotia.
The 78 Merchant Seaman casualties of WWII listed below have no direct connection to Nova Scotia other than burial in cemeteries across the Province. These casualties died in Nova Scotian ports, the result of drowning, accidents, from natural cause or brought to Nova Scotian ports for burial.
Date of Death:
Age at Death:
Cemetery/ Memorial
Place of Birth
Abrahamsen, Alf Ananson, Olaf Hewey Andersen, Martin Anders Andreassen , Hans Egil Barø, Carl Magnus Beklund, Leonhard Bell, James Harry Bergslid, Paulus Beswick, Peter Breivik, Jørgen Martin Brumby, Victor Burton, Albert David Cameron, James Campbell, John E. Clarke, Patrick James Cooney, Charles Davies, David John Davis, John Decker, Chesley Dick, Edward Hawley Eilertsen, Erling Alf Elais, Daniel Elgesem, Hans Hjalmar Emerson, Francis Charles Makey Flint, William Herbert Fong, Chan Gale, Herbert E. Gani, Abdul Gundersen, Elias Buerstad Halvorsen, Erling Harrower, James H McDonald Hille, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Hopkins, Alfred Hutcheson, John Inglessis, Charilaos Johansen, Arnold Johansen, Hans Alfred Johansen, Sverre Johan Jonassen, Anker Jørgensen, Anker Normann Kooning, Pieter Kröble, Sivert Pederson Larsen, Kristian Martin Leithe, Harald Marius Hendrikssen Løsnæs, Einar Harald MacMillan, Charles Maguire, Henry John Malik, Abdul (Milik, Abdulla) Marcus, Julius Nicolay McMahon, Benjamin Midbøe, Mathias Miranda, Menino Moen, Hans Molloy, Patrick Newton, Peter Telsford Nilsen, August Opstad, Finn Petersen, Walther Mattias Pett, Thomas Henry Michael Pijnacker, Jacobus Poba, Maurice Rafter, George Rafter, James (Rafters) Rio, Joseph Robinson, Robert (Bertie) Rowlands, George Scarisbrick, Harold Scott, Robert Alexander Speers, R. C. Starling, Frank Redvers Sumner, Louis William Frederick Swanson, George Tjøm, Sverre Thomas Wells, McKenzie Wilson, Charlton Robson Wren, William Wright, Ralph Dunn Yggeseth, Sigurd
Sailor/Trooper Boatswain Steward Ship Master Sailor Cook Able Seaman Stoker/Greaser 3rd Radio Operator Sailor Chief Steward Senior 3rd Officer Sailor Fireman Fireman Fireman/Trimmer Chief Engineer Greaser Ordinary Seaman 4th Engineer Officer Pump Man Able Seaman Machinist Master Steward Seaman Carpenter Seaman Mate Stoker 2nd Radio Officer Chief Engineer Seaman Chief Cook Engineer Deck Hand Assistant Engineer Stoker Sailor Greaser 1st Engineer Chief Engineer Stoker Stoker Sailor Able Seaman Carpenter Sailor 1st Engineer Steward Captain General Servant Stoker Donkeyman Second Engineer Carpenter Sailor Fireman Ordinary Seaman Olieman (Greaser) Second Cook Second Steward Fireman/Trimmer Boatswain Mess Clerk Sailor Steward Electrician Able Seaman 3rd Officer Carpenters Mate Ships Cook Sailor 1st Engineer Carpenter Greaser Sailor Engineer
Merchant Navy/Norwegian Forces Camp Norway, SS Dunsley FL/K Ole Vegger; Norwegian Merchant Navy M/T G. C. Brøvig; Norwegian Merchant Navy D/S Biscaya; Norwegian Merchant Navy D/S Pollux; Norwegian Merchant Navy MV Empire Sailor M/T Kars; Norwegian Merchant Navy MV Amerika FL/K Suderøy; Norwegian Merchant Navy SS Empire Southey MV Athel Chief SS Blairoevon SS Claisdale HMS Ranpura; Naval Auxiliary Personnel SS Clare Lilley SS P.L.M. 13 HMS Ascania; Naval Auxiliary Personnel Royal Navy MV G. S. Walden (London) M/T Evita; Norwegian Merchant Navy SS Briotish Industry FL/K Ole Wegger; Norwegian Merchant Navy SS Germanic SS Trefusis SS Empress of Russia SS Corner Brook SS Panto D/S Gulhaug; Norwegian Merchant Navy D/S Askild; Norwegian Merchant Navy SS Larpool (Whitby) Netherlands Merchant Navy K. V. MV British Resource MV Patella NA Norweigan Merchant Navy; Camp Norway, M/T Havsten; Norwegian Merchant Navy D/S Loke; Norwegian Merchant Navy D/S Solglimt; Norwegian Merchant Navy M/S Oslofjord; Norwegian Merchant Navy Netherlands Merchant Navy K.V. D/S Torungen; Norwegian Merchant Navy D/S Blink; Norwegian Merchant Navy D/S Grey County; Norwegian Merchant Navy D/S Inga I; Norwegian Merchant Navy SS Empire Eagle SS Empire Seal (London) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Sembilangan Norwegian Motor Tanker SS Hertford (London) Merchant Navy M/V Vinland; Norwegian Merchant Navy John W. MacKay Norwegian Merchant Navy SS Clare Lilley SS Hertford M/T Vav; Norwegian Merchant Navy SS Porjus; Norwegian Merchant Navy SS Storaa MV Asbjord Netherlands Merchant Navy K. V. SS Fort Binger; British Merchant Navy SS Duchess of Altoll SS Clarelilley SS Saintouge Netherlands Merchant Navy K. V. Netherlands Merchant Navy K. V. SS Empire Macandrew (Glasglow), Merchant Navy MV Silveray (London) Canadian Merchant Navy SS Levorian SS Albion Star SS Bayano SS Empire Tana DS Don; Norwegian Merchant Navy SS Empire Vormorant SS Harpagon SS Aquitania SS Frumenton SS Lago, Norwegian Merchant Navy
July 23, 1943 December 25, 1943 November 27, 1944 February 12, 1942 March 25, 1943 December 21, 1942 November 22, 1942 February 22, 1942 April 8, 1942 May 13, 1942 April 22, 1943 August 11, 1942 June 10, 1943 June 1, 1942 July 6, 1941 March 17, 1942 February 15, 1943 July 16, 1941 October 25, 1041 August 2, 1942 November 24, 1942 August 13, 1941 September 30, 1940 March 6, 1941 May 7, 1940 August 26, 1941 February 2, 1940 December 28, 1942 December 24, 1942 May 6, 1942 November 14, 1941 September 8, 1943 January 17, 1942 January 20, 1940 February 9, 1945 February 4, 1943 April 24, 1941 October 10, 1942 October 31, 1940 November 16, 1940 October 28, 1940 February 22, 1942 February 11, 1942 January 14, 1943 April 12, 1941 November 16, 1942 March 19, 1942 May 29, 1942 March 18, 1942 April 17, 1942 April 4, 1942 March 31, 1945 September 9, 1940 March 17, 1942 April 17, 1943 May 21, 1942 October 10, 1942 September 6, 1943 January 4, 1943 October 29, 1943 May 18, 1942 June 5, 1940 March 17, 1942 October 8, 1943 February 8, 1943 January 11, 1941 July 3, 1944 February 5, 1942 September 11, 1940 December 6, 1939 September 26, 1942 January 29, 1944 March 20, 1941 November 14, 1942 April 4, 1941 January 23, 1940 April 4, 1941 May 9, 1940
23 58 68 53 51 46 21 27 56 46 24 39 46 24 44 61 48 22 21 46 36 50 64 42 41 48 40 23 25 45 24 61 46 29 44 40 40 18 44 58 30 38 17 58 33 46 58 32 42 44 30 40 36 61 23 23 17 48 42 40 24 35 16 19 36 38 27 39 29 65 21 62 28 48 18 49
Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax St Johns Cemetery, Halifax St John Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS St John Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax St John Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Halifax (Mount Olivet) Cemetery, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS St Johns Cemetery, Halifax Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS St Johns Cemetery, Halifax unknown St Johns Cemetery, Halifax Gate of Heaven Cemetery, NS Halifax (Mount Olivet) Cemetery, NS Mt Olivet Cemetery, Halifax St Johns Cemetery, Halifax Halifax (Mount Olivet) Cemetery, NS Sydney (Hardwood Hill) Cemetery, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS St John Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax unknown Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Hardwood Hill Cemetery, Sydney, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS unknown Hardwood Hill Cemetery, Sydney, Cape Breton Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS unknown Mountain Cemetery, Yarmouth (d. Yarmouth,NS) St John Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS St John Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax St John Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Halifax (Gate of Heaven) Cemetery, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Gate of Heaven Cemetery, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS unknown Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS St John Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Sheet Harbour St. John's Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Our Lady of Calvary Cemetery, Yarmouth, NS Gate of Heaven Cemetery, NS Mt Olivet Cemetery, Halifax Gate of Heaven Cemetery, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Halifax (Gate of Heaven) Cemetery, NS Lockeport Cemetery, NS unknown Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Hardwood Hill Cemetery, Sydney, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS Mountain Cemetery, Yarmouth (d. Illness)
Norway Arendal, Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway England Norway Manchester, UK Norway Hull, England Berkenhead, England Blairathoil, Scotland Barrow, England England Liverpool, England Aberystwyth, Wales UK England England England Norway Beulah, Wales Norway Scarborough, England London, England China Cardiff, Wales India Norway England Edinburgh Scotland Netherlands Hull, England Kingston, Jamaica Athens, Greece Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Netherlands Norway Norway Norway Norway Glasgow, Scotland Scotland Calcutta, India Oslo, Norway England Norway Bombay, India Norway Liverpool, England Sunderland, England Norway Norway Millerod, Denmark Oldham, Lancashire, UK Netherlands Gabon, Africa Liverpool, England Salford, England Marseille, France Scotland England England England Cardiff, Wales Glasgow, Scotland Monmouthshire, Wales Edinborough, Scotland Norway Calcutta, India Middlesbrough, England Southhampton, UK Jarrow, England Norway
Faces of the Merchant Navy
Patrick MacMullin, Age 22 Lost at sea
Warren Allen, Age 31 Lost at sea
Willard John Buchanan, Age 31 Lost at sea
Vaughan Colpitts, Age 25 Lost at sea
Joseph Everett Faulkner, Age 67 Lost at sea
Garfield Edward George, Age 21 Lost at sea
Norman Burnell Atwood, Age 35 Lost at sea
Harold William Bagnell, Age 18 Lost at sea
Michael J. McPherson, Age 18 Lost at sea
Edwin MacDonald Chisholm, Age 18, Lost at sea
Judson James Cross, Age 18, Lost at sea
Wilfred Eldon Dauphinee, Age 19, Lost at sea
Claude W. Ettinger, Age 31, Lost at sea
Eugene A Hilchey, Age 32, lost at sea
Albert Lewis Mattatall, Age 24, Lost at sea
Owen Havelock Vaughan, Age 32, Lost at sea
William Harold Davie Lost at sea
John Dickson, Age 30, Lost at sea
Arthur Churchill Forsyth, Age 22, Accident on shore
James Bernard E. MacDougall, Age 24, Lost at sea
Emerson Horace Robinson, Age 36, Lost at sea
Carrol R. Gates, Age 26, Lost at sea
Donald J. McDonald, Age 28, Lost at sea
Francis McDonald, Age 20, Lost at sea
Carmen Richards, Age 18, Lost at sea
Donald Smith Winchester, Age 40, Lost at sea
Roderick James Gillis, Age 29, Lost at sea
James Lawrence Hanson, Age 19, Lost at sea
John Douglas MacDonald, Age 30, Lost at sea
Ronald Francis MacDonald Age 34, Lost at sea
James Linton Robison, Age 60, Died of illness
Victor Elford Morris, Age 27, Lost at Sea