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733564 - Service No. Canadian Military BR - British Service CAMC - Canadian Army Medical Corps MS - Merchant Seaman/Mariner RCN - Royal Canadian Navy RFC - Royal Flying Corps RN - Royal Navy US - United States Service NA - Not Available AU - Australian Service 18(16) - age on attestation (Actual age) * - address of next of kin/connection to Yarmouth ** - enlisted in Yarmouth, NS
Remembering World War I
WWI Veterans Yarmouth Town and County
Earl, Clifford H. Earl, Harold Clifton Earle, Harry Austin Earle, Milledge Crouse Edwards, Lewis St. John Eldridge, Charles Tooker Eldridge, Eugene Victor Eldridge, Harry Eldridge, Henry Eugene Eldridge, James Rozee Eldridge, Robert Ernest Eldridge, Wilfred Sinclair Ellis, Charles Loran Ellis, Edward Ellsworth Ellis, James Ellis, Robert McHenry Ellis, Stewart Creelman Emin, Charles Emin, Leslie Ewan, Hedley Jenkins Fader, Frederick David Fader, George Thomas Fader, William Fred Falt, Millard Faulkner, Aldred George Fells, Clarence Fells, Roy Fenton, Percy Forman Fenton, William Murray Ferguson, Freemann William Ferguson, John Alexander Ferguson, Lydia Reata Fitzgerald, Joseph Freeman Fitzgerald, Robert Fitzgerald, Thomas Leander Fitzmorris, Edward Fletcher, Hubert Ashton Fletcher, John Fletcher, Otto Flower, Floyd Ashton Floyd, William Harold Forbes, Amos Hilton Forbes, Andrew Forbes, Arthur Hiram Forbes, Chas Bertram Forbes, Howard Waldo Forbes, Percy Foulis, George Lorenso Fox, Bradford Benton Fox, Dorothy Fox, James Ernest Fox, Lyle Cleveland Fox, Murray William Francis, John Francis, Luke Fraser, Chadborne Kenzie Fraser, Frank James Fraser, Maurice Frautten, John August Freeman, Karl Franklin Fritz, Carl Edwin Frost, Charles Jeffery Frost, Charles Sydney Frost, Roy St Clair Frotten, John Arthur Frotten, Maurice Joseph Fry George Norman Fuller, Albert Stenitt Fuller, David Carlyle Furlong, Myles J. Gallant, Charles Benjamin Gallant, Leonard Henry Gardner, Alton Percy Gaudet, Adolphe Stephen Gaudet, Ernest John Gaudet, Fred Joseph Gaudet, Joseph Leger Gaudet, Louis Malcolm Gaudet, Rene Paul Gaudet, Timothy Israel Gavel, Arthur Gavel, Edgar Gavel, George Andrew Gavel, George Tilson Gavel, George William Gavel, Gilman Bond Gavel, Kenneth Kirk Gavel, Lemuel Hobbs Gavel, Leslie Smith Gavel, Ralph Gavel, Roy Ferguson Gavel, Stanley Bernard Gavel, William Peters Gavel, William Weed Gear, Wallace Clark Gerry, Frederick Dwinal Gervis, George Melvin Gibson, Herbert Edward Gibson, John William Gibson, William John Daniel Giles, Frank George Glode, Stephen Godfrey, Douglas West Goggin, Francis James Golden, George Henry Golden, Robert Golden. Edward Goldsmith, George Burgess Goldsmith, Gilbert Judson Goodwin, Daniel Goodwin, Dexter Malone Goodwin, Elmer Goodwin, Harold Goodwin, Henry Richard Goodwin, Keith Ronald Goodwin, Lawrence Robert Goodwin, Leonard Henry Goodwin, Melvin Cyrus Goodwin, Raymond Harold Goodwin, Sidney Harold Goodwin, Thelston Goodwin, William Roy Goodwin, William Sargent Gordon, Charles Maurice Gornall, Herbert Thomas Goudey, Ansel Robert Goudey, Clinton Leigh Goudey, Herbert Aaron Goudey, Herbert George Goudey, John Edwin Goudey, Keith Hunter Gough, William Dyer Gould, George Edward Gould, George Lyford Grace, Frederick William Graham, Edwin Ernest Graham, Percy Lenwood Grant, Donald Edward Grant, George Washington Grant, Robert Bradford Grantham, Charles Victor Gratto, George Arthur Graves, Richard Gray, Alton Burns Gray, Claude Gray, Ernest Gray, Jesse Kendrick Gray, Murray S Gray/Grey, Clifford Lockly Green, Clyde Hamilton Greene, Chesley George Grey, Earl Gridley, Paul Gridley, William Francis Grierson, Burton John Robert Guest, Ivor Guinan, Richard Guiou, Gerald Wallace Hagen, Sigmund Martin Hamilton, Benjamin Ralph Hamilton, Clifford William Hamilton, Hartley Hiram Hamilton, Henry Hamilton, Hugh Percy Hamilton, Leboire Hamilton, Percy Hamilton, Percy Morton Hamilton, Ralph Chesley Hamilton, Reubin Hamilton, Roger B Hamm, David Trefry Hamm, William Edward Handy, Arthur Bond Hanson, William John Harding, Charles Ernest Harding, Harry Osborne Harding, Ralph Price Harris, Borden D Harris, Bradford Cann Harris, Charles William Harris, Harland Harris, Herbert George Harris, John T Harris, Nathan Haskins, Harold Haskins, Louis Hatfield, Allan Irving Hatfield, Benjamin Horton Hatfield, Charles H Hatfield, Claude Stanley Hatfield, Cornelius Hatfield, Enos James Hatfield, Frederick Hatfield, George Herbert Hatfield, Gordon Jacob Hatfield, James Adolphus Hatfield, Lent Peter Hatfield, Lloyd Douglas Hatfield, Percy Stanley Hatfield, Ralph Norton Hatfield, Selwyn Blake Hatfield, Stanley Wellington Hattie, Bradford Hattie, Raymond Hawes, George Haycock, Carleton Augustus Hayes, Frank Melvin Hayes, John Guest Hazelton, Joseph Washington Hemeon, Irving Leroy Hemeon, Ralph Bruce Hemeon, Rodney Phillips Hemlow, Albert Bertin Hemlow, Charles Herkes, Edwin Bailey Hersey, George Albert Hersey, Howard Leslie Hersey, Leman Hersey, Osborne Hersey, William Hessie, Frank Arthur Hewey, Warren Talmage Hicks, Wilbert Crosby Higby, Charles Ernest Higby, James Albert Hill, Cecil Morris Hillard, Robert Hilton, Alfred Dunstan Snow Hilton, Atwood Hilton, Austin Hilton, Charles Ivan Hilton, Edgar Robbins Hilton, Frank Hilton, Ross Laverne Hilton, Russell Eugene Hines, Ashton Staley Hines, Clinton Benjamin Hines, Lester Grant Hines, Sherman Hines, Wilfred Leslie Hipson, John Hipson, John P L Hipson, William Morton Hogg, Donald Hogg, George Wentworth Hogg, Leslie C Holden, Barney Holden, Ephraim Havelock Holden, John M Holden, Leonard Holmes, Charles Albert Edward Holmes, James Theodore Hood, Samuel Clifford Horner, Albinus William Horner, Ralph Russell Horton, Ronald Bailey Horton, Wentworth Murray Horton, William Brady Hoskins, Harold Hubbard, Edward Hubbard, Frank Gus Hubbard, Irvin Hubbard, John Eli Hubbard, John Robert Hubbard, Leborie Hubbard, Leonde Hubbard, Lewis Doucette Hubbard, Montie E. Hubbard, Peter John Hubbard, Raymond Hubbard, Simon Lawrence Hubbert, Ramey Hudson, William Henry Hudson,Thomas Minard Hulsman, Vernon Busby Hunt, Hadley Cleveland Hunter, Charles E Hurlburt, Bernard Hatfield Hurlburt, Charles Hurlburt, Curtis Leroy Hurlbut, Joseph Hurley, George F. A. Huskins, Archibald Iriam, Frank Stanley Jack, George Henry Jacquard, Avery Jacquard, Dennis Jacquard, Foreman Jacquard, Frank Anthony Jacquard, Harry Jacquard, Jarvis Jacquard, Joseph Jacquard, Nelson Jacquard, Raymond Jeffery, Albert Lawson Jeffery, Charles David Jeffery, George Maynard Jeffery, Harvey Kenneth Jeffery, Heber Earle Jeffery, John William Jeffery, Max James Jeffrey, Frank Harold Jenkins, Aaron Jenkins, Ivan Charles Johnson, John Clarence Jones, Arthur Jones, Lewis Jones, William Frederick Karitem, Nimmer Kelley, James Elmer Kelsey, Ernest Louis Kempton, Edward Blake Kendrick, Murray Edward Kendrick, Nehemiah Henry Kenney, Archibald Kenney, Harold Archibald Kenney, Preston Arthur Kenny, George Killam, A Maud Killam, Albert E Killam, Boyce Scott Killam, Clare Vernon Killam, Everett Delmar Killam, George Edgar Killam, Gilbert Clark Killam, Kenneth A Killam, Mark Stephen Killam, Samuel Douglas Killam, Scott Boyce King Albert King, Clifford Stanley King, Milford Leslie Kinney, Archibald Kinney, Charles Arthur Kinney, Chris Franklin Kinney, Clair Franklin Kirk, Charles Douglas Ladd, Forrest Arthur LaFave, John Henry Lancaster, Harold Tresslove Landers, Murray Bradford Landers, William Ellsworth Landry, Daniel Landry, Jeffire Langford, George Walter Langille, Carmen Lomert Langthorne, Morton Andrew Langthorne, William Lorne Larkin, Cecil Rhodes Larkin, David Freeman Larkin, Glendall Crowell Larkin, Harry Lewis Larkin, Harold Lamont Keith Larkin, Jerry Murphy Larkin, Kenneth Archer Larkin, Nathaniel Larkin, Ralph Walter Larkin, Walter Lauder, George Whitney Lauder, Robert Enwright Lavan, Wilfred Joseph Lawrence, John Lebbetter, Thomas Alphonsus LeBlanc, Ambrose R LeBlanc, Andrew LeBlanc, Anthony John LeBlanc, Arthur Hilare LeBlanc, Augustine Simon LeBlanc, Charles Franklin LeBlanc, Charles Morel LeBlanc, Charles Morris LeBlanc, David Melvin LeBlanc, Dennis Andrew LeBlanc, Frederick LeBlanc, James Andrew LeBlanc, Joseph Louis LeBlanc, Laurie John LeBlanc, Leo Frank LeBlanc, Luke Avite LeBlanc, Luxene Lenard LeBlanc, Simon Paul LeBlanc, Valerie Mande LeBlanc, William John Lefave, Frank LeFave, Joseph Henry Lefevre, Joseph Albani Leishman, Catherine Lennox, Harold Lennox, Leslie Ashton Lent, William Harris Lewis, Charles Walter Hagar Lewis, Edmund McConnell Lewis, Henry Crowell Lewis, Murray Porter Lewis, Robert Burns Lewis, Thomas Freeman Little, Barney Lockhart, Grant Aaron Lorrey, Archie Lovitt, Garnet Lincoln Chase Lovitt, Hector W. Beveridge Lovitt, James L Lyons, George Thomas
1060330 282931 US-1663270 415447 37370 282671 415772 542192 282670 522024 282669 734082 3189013 282972 31505044 901081 90293 41500 67157 RFC 1099384 3182604 50714 67155 734226 4050663 67166 931309 1099383 760337 3180896 US Red Cross 2329803 282668 3182582 2731210 91896 67099 742241 734218 507363 114315 67158 85711 US 3255785 696686 282902 415697 US Nurse 415528 Lieutenant 35412 469485 931297 624370 901432 3256424 4060533 90276 1258147 446053 58 3181350 2699638 3181571 47037 282667 154305 1099762 733861 2163310 US-76011 733865 282666 3190612 282905 2329523 283566 1060158 733245 3180004 3187157 2772656 21838 3180103 91897 81306 3180005 Au B2455/4791 282973 282933 AU 1811 734538 734270 633592 4050499 282664 1099408 282663 734423 1060271 734452 2329859 282934 2704151 3181165 715965 3083476 469227 3181352 3180942 1099376 415740 282974 3181115 282935 733246 415656 283356 415742 488744 1099382 4060875 Officer 1078273 US 1099398 283418 RFC 2700853 282936 3185669 3036204 733860 Officer 43874 US 3186167 282636 NA 901219 67162 3256632 NA 1030074 3186141 US 282635 283532 3181214 2013654 2005980 2015072 282665 4080250 2004771 475868 733859 3185479 282938 734217 523617 Officer 40132 3181903 3180111 222889 283357 NA 2075644 1060033 470163 2137390 2013580 469833 Captain Major 415774 734086 2779905 2100747 488299 2330479 1069946 2006352 3082608 2100787 BR 469363 734404 734407 1274246 1274247 470914 91900 415515 282584 2100720 1274241 3189845 85670 627 469282 733644 282634 282937 326901 85724 4052630 3189868 57425 734264 4062678 4062684 3190376 1274519 1099769 41167 470098 67163 282975 US 3187327 734220 469228 733952 3181776 3257759 3180114 415841 223229 734526 2329804 222882 1060042 85727 478713 283358 2101023 3180115 1258158 282369 282359 67465 1030944 RCN 415657 282633 282904 2731242 2100883 US Officer 282939 733561 214 91898 3181830 N/A 67467 734075 2303861 3180502 733560 3181903 1099770 733951 2700829 3180117 742711 3180595 4050752 282976 282632 3111245 734087 NA 2265311 US 3181970 22063 111245 734524 57 469212 1099754 3189284 482040 666844 1099761 3189899 1099755 1099759 1099756 282631 1033227 282940 282630 67738 478794 1260754 3186674 91902 470159 931333 2329805 2329329 415581 1288879 2304295 733954 2193329 734316 3186092 666902 734132 734529 US Officer US Army Nurse 282629 283411 282628 282627 1099582 2735109 RAF 71152 469184 Officer 283411 488894 415583 1274074 3180046 180491 180890 180890 Officer/502920 16359 1274266 282626 2304044 3186500 415658 469370 3186343 222862 283359 3190358 2005669 734317 US-MN US-MN 3187337 1010037 1030899 3180316 282625 4052516 BR 282135 282624 734127 Captain 1060270 3190732 4052629 734085 734129 3190712 3180327 3181698 666695 3182006 2100450 733248 733558 4060336 3080339 3181915 3189902 3190357 3181836 3188282 1274134 3190644 666827 CAMC 734278 222523 248500 1262027 283360 522078 415842 469319 2304045 734424 444512 1260654 222672 1262741 US/5134058 733809
Pleasant Lake,NS Pleasant Lake, NS Walktham, Mass. Pleasant Lake, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Port Saxon, NS Norwood, NS Norwood, NS Yarmouth, NS Port Maitland South Ohio, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Harpole, England Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Comeau's Hill NS Little River Harbour, NS Comeau's Hill, NS Pubnico, NS South Ohio, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Lower Argyle, NS Tusket, NS Argyle Head, NS Yarmouth, NS Central Argyle, NS Central Argyle, NS Gloucester, Mass, US Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Pubnico, NS Yarmouth, NS Pubnico, NS Yarmouth, NS St. John's, NFLD Yarmouth, NS Sanford, NS Arcadia, NS Yarmouth, NS East Quinan, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Argyle, NS Argyle, NS Argyle, NS Spring Haven, NS Quinan, NS Reading, England Yarmouth, NS Shelburne, NS Wexford, Ireland New Acadia, PEI New Acadia, PEI Argyle Sound, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Ohio, NS Edinborough, NS Yarmouth, NS Melbourne, NS Melbourne, NS Argyle, NS Gavelton, NS Argyle Head, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Richfield, NS Yarmouth, NS Argyle Head, NS Gavelton, NS Deniliquin NSW Australia Kelleys Cove, NS Gavelton, NS Mathoura NSW Australia Richfield, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Weymouth, NS East Kemptville, NS Yarmouth, NS Plaiston, England Brookfield, NS Barrington, NS Yarmouth, NS Orono, Maine, USA Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS East Pubnico, NS Pubnico NS Argyle, NS Yarmouuth, NS Pubnico Head, NS Port Elgin NB Lower Argyle, NS Pubnico Head, NS Pubnico, NS East Pubnico, NS Yarmouth, NS Argyle Sound, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Northampton, England Yarmouth, NS Port Maitland, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Summerside, PEI Lakeside, Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Dorchester, Mass.USA Centreville, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Argyle Sound, NS Dayton, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS East Kemptville, NS Weymouth, NS Lower Argyle, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Kentville, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Ottawa, Ontario Christiana, Norway Kemptville, NS Boston, Mass. USA Lower Argyle, NS Argyle, NS Yarmouth, NS Tusket, NS Yarmouth, NS South Ohio, NS Pubnico Head, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Hebron, NS St. John, NB Short Beach, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Sandford NS Yarmouth, NS Little River Harbour, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Tusket, NS Yarmouth, NS London, England Tusket, NS Yarmouth, NS Springhaven, NS Springhaven, NS London, England Yarmouth, NS Tusket, NS Tusket, NS Arcadia, NS Yarmouth, NS Kemptville, NS Yarmouth, NS Pleasant Lake, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS County Kent, England St. John, NB Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS East Ferry, NS Plymouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Salem, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Victory, NS Darlings Lake, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Nashua, New Hampshire, US Yarmouth North NS Ohio, NS Ohio, NS Deerfield, NS Hebron, NS Ohio, NS Deerfield, NS South Ohio, NS Argyle, NS Pubnico, NS Central Argyle, NS Central Argyle, NS Central Argyle, NS Pubnico, NS Pubnico, NS Pubnico, NS Sandwich, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Melbourne, NS Bridgetown, NS Yarmouth, NS Montreal, Quebec Yarmouth, NS Salem, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Tusket, NS Tusket, NS Lower East Pubnico, NS Tusket, NS Yarmouth, NS Tusket, NS Tusket, NS Tusket, NS Yarmouth, NS Tusket, NS Tusket, NS Yarmouth, NS Tusket, NS Patton, Maine, USA Patten, Maine, USA Yarmouth, NS Shelburne, NS NA Tusket, NS Yarmouth, NS Carleton, NS Yarmouth, NS London, England Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Comeau's Hill, NS Wedgeport, NS Comeau's Hill, NS Yarmouth, NS Quinan, NS East Quinan, NS Quinan, NS Comeau's Hill, NS Quinan, NS Pleasant Lake, NS Pleasant Lake, NS Pleasant Lake, NS Pleasant Lake, NS Yarmouth, NS Pleasant Lake, NS Pleasant Lake, NS Pleasant Lake, NS Chester, NS Yarmouth, NS Weymouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Norwood, NS Halifax NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS East Pubnico, NS East Pubnico, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Carleton, NS Yarmouth, NS Scott’s Settlement, NB Pleasant Valley, NS Malone, NY, USA Pleasant Valley, NS Rockville, NS Lake Annis, NS Yarmouth, NS East La Have, NS Yarmouth North, NS Yarmouth, NS Malone, NY, USA East Brenton, NS Brooklyn, NS Brooklyn, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Ainsdale, England Yarmouth, NS Lockeport, NS Port Maitland, NS Wellington, NS Yarmouth, NS Tusket Hill, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Shag Harbour, NS Woods Harbour, NS Yarmouth, NS East Pubnico, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS East Pubnico, NS Pubnico Head, NS Yarmouth, NS East Pubnico, NS East Pubnico, NS East Pubnico, NS Yarmouth, NS Gourock, Scotland Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Antigonish, NS Lower West Pubnico, NS Amirault's Hill, NS Abrams River, NS Wedgeport, NS Middle East Pubnico, NS Plymouth, NS Wedgeport, NS Middle East Pubnico, NS Plymouth, NS Wedgeport, NS Yarmouth, NS Plymouth, NS West Pubnico, NS Plymouth, NS Abrams River, NS Lower Wedgeport, NS Lower Wedgeport, NS Lower West Pubnico, NS Wedgeport, NS Wedgeport NS South Belleville, NS South Belleville, NS South Belleville, NS Kilsyth, Glasgow, Scotland Lower Argyle, NS Lower Argyle, NS Nelsonville, Ohio, USA Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Lake George, NS Yarmouth, NS Lake George, NS Tusket, NS South Hampton, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Woods Harbour, NS
Pleasant Lake, NS Pleasant Lake, NS Somerville, Mass. Pleasant Lake, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Yarmouth, NS Norwood, NS Norwood, NS
January 27, 1917 March 9, 1916 May 11, 1915 September 25, 1914 March 3, 1916 August 6, 1915 September 4, 1916 March 7, 1916 November 2, 1915 March 3, 1916 March 13, 1916 June 13, 1918 March 21,1916 October 1, 1917 March 7, 1916 June 27, 1915 September 22, 1914 November 12, 1915 January 22, 1917 May 14, 1918 March 3, 1915 November 12, 1914 February 13, 1916 May 31, 1918 November 12, 1914 October 9, 1916 January 22, 1917 October 11, 1915 March 13, 1918 NA April 21, 1917 March 13, 1916 May 17, 1918 November 28, 1916 October 5, 1915 November 12, 1914 December 15, 1915 March 17, 1916 February 26, 1916 January 8, 1915 November 12, 1914 December 30, 1914 NA January 7, 1918 April 17, 1916 March 6, 1916 July 29, 1915 NA July 13, 1915 November 19, 1891 September 22, 1914 August 28, 1915 October 4, 1916 January 17, 1916 February 28, 1916 February 23, 1918 May 11, 1918 June 19, 1915 April 24, 1917 April 26, 1915 August 24, 1914 November 16, 1917 May 18, 1918 April 12, 1918 September 17, 1915 March 9, 1916 January 14, 1918 June 27, 1917 February 18, 1916 January 23, 1917 May 22, 1917 February 15, 1916 March 9, 1916 October 3, 1918 March 23, 1916 May 22, 1917 June 7, 1916 November 3, 1916 December 21, 1916 November 17, 1917 June 13, 1918 October 16, 1918 September 23, 1918 February 4, 1918 October 5, 1915 December 16, 1914 November 17, 1917 September 1, 1915 March 27, 1916 March 22, 1916 March 11, 1915 April 13, 1916 March 13, 1916 February 26, 1916 April 24, 1918 March 13, 1916 January 25, 1917 March 9, 1916 March 20, 1916 December 15, 1916 March 22, 1916 May 11, 1917 March 20, 1916 May 1, 1918 June 1, 1918 March 20, 1916 April 10, 1918 August 25, 1915 March 29, 1918 April 16, 1918 January 22, 1917 July 29, 1915 March 27, 1916 March 18, 1918 March 16, 1916 December 21, 1915 April 23, 1915 March 28, 1916 July 29, 1915 November 11, 1915 January 15, 1917 June 29, 1918 July 8, 1918 June 12, 1916 June 5, 1917 January 25, 1917 April 3, 1916 March 20, 1919 March 20, 1916 June 28, 1918 May 1, 1918 February 18, 1916 March 4, 1915 September 14, 1914 June 5, 1917 July 10, 1918 March 13, 1916 July 22, 1915 March 14, 1916 November 12, 1914 March 20, 1918 July 9, 1918 August 10, 1916 July 5, 1918 June 5, 1918 March 13, 1916 May 9, 1916 March 22, 1918 July 5, 1918 May 22, 1917 September 27, 1918 March 6, 1916 March 4, 1918 March 28, 1917 July 15, 1915 February 18, 1916 May 27, 1918 March 21, 1916 March 17, 1916 December 31, 1915 September 26, 1914 April 27, 1918 February 6, 1918 October 30, 1915 March 21,1916 NA September 9, 1917 August 21, 1916 September 15, 1916 September 12, 1917 July 1, 1918 September 3, 1915 May 2, 1917 March 22, 1915 August 7, 1915 NA May 1, 1915 June 18, 1917 March 23, 1916 July 25, 1917 January 9, 1918 July 24, 1917 March 8, 1918 September 17, 1917 NA August 28, 1915 March 15, 1916 March 15, 1916 February 3, 1919 January 15, 1919 October 13, 1916 October 5, 1915 April 12, 1915 March 18, 1916 July 18, 1918 December 11, 1918 September 9, 1918 November 28, 1914 March 26, 1917 August 5, 1915 December 20, 1915 March 13, 1916 March 9, 1916 April 12, 1916 February 11, 1915 September 20, 1918 June 22, 1918 November 11, 1914 March 15, 1916 September 7, 1918 September 5, 1918 November 30, 1918 January 25, 1917 September 26, 1914 September 9, 1915 November 12, 1914 March 27, 1916 NA June 7, 1918 March 13, 1916 August 25, 1915 February 18, 1916 April 26, 1918 April 9, 1918 February 6, 1918 August 12, 1915 November 4, 1915 April 5, 1916 April 10, 1917 October 30, 1915 August 24, 1916 November 27, 1914 October 30, 1915 April 3, 1916 February 25, 1918 February 6, 1918 April 30, 1917 March 10, 1916 March 10, 1916 November 19, 1914 June 23, 1917 NA April 12, 1915 March 6, 1916 March 6, 1916 November 22, 1918 October 10, 1917 October 30, 1915 March 20, 1916 December 20, 1915 October 19, 1916 October 5, 1915 April 24, 1918 NA November 20, 1914 March 24, 1916 September 6, 1917 February 22, 1918 December 20, 1915 April 27, 1918 January 30, 1917 February 18, 1916 November 8, 1918 February 6, 1918 February 11, 1916 February 25, 1918 July 17, 1918 March 25, 1916 March 13, 1916 July 12, 1918 March 13, 1916 NA March 27, 1917 February 18, 1918 November 9, 1917 September 23, 1914 March 30, 1915 March 31, 1916 September 23, 1914 August 23, 1915 February 6, 1917 June 18, 1918 September 1, 1915 September 14, 1916 January 30, 1917 June 17, 1918 January 29, 1917 January 30, 1917 February 5, 1917 March 13, 1916 August 10, 1916 March 22, 1916 March 13, 1916 November 26, 1914 October 31, 1915 August 1, 1916 June 12, 1918 October 5, 1915 September 15, 1915 October 12, 1916 April 5, 1917 March 29, 1917 June 15, 1915 February 2, 1918 October 10, 1917 March 13, 1916 April 23, 1917 March 15, 1916 June 28, 1918 December 23, 1916 March 13, 1916 April 1, 1916 June 2, 1917 NA February 28, 1916 April 8, 1916 March 6, 1916 March 6, 1916 February 20, 1917 October 28, 1918 April 9, 1917 August 24, 1915 May 25, 1917 April 8, 1916 February 26, 1916 April 23, 1915 October 9, 1918 January 18, 1918 November 17, 1915 December 31, 1915 March 17, 1917 January 28, 1916 September 19, 1914 December 20, 1918 March 6, 1916 June 2, 1917 September 14, 1918 April 10, 1915 August 28, 1915 August 12, 1918 October 28, 1915 March 28, 1916 August 1, 1918 February 23, 1917 March 15, 1916 June 13, 1918 May 16, 1916 June 22, 1917 February 13, 1918 March 6, 1916 September 3, 1918 NA March 4, 1916 March 13, 1916 March 13, 1916 April 3, 1916 December 14, 1916 November 12, 1918 September 20, 1918 March 18, 1916 March 13, 1916 October 31, 1918 September 15, 1918 April 16, 1918 June 6, 1916 April 25, 1918 January 2, 1918 December 21, 1915 December 20, 1915 March 27, 1918 November 12, 1917 November 10, 1917 June 20, 1918 August 1, 1918 April 24, 1918 June 7, 1918 November 5, 1918 October 22, 1918 August 6, 1918 March 27, 1917 March 13, 1916 October 20, 1915 August 22, 1916 May 3, 1916 April 3, 1916 November 9, 1915 August 12, 1915 August 27, 1915 June 2, 1917 March 20, 1916 May 14, 1915 May 11, 1916 October 19, 1915 June 29, 1916 October 5, 1918 April 12, 1915
April 9, 1919 May 31, 1919 April 26, 1919 November 21, 1917 April 13, 1919 May 25, 1919 May 25, 1919 January 28, 1919 May 1, 1919 July 10, 1919 July 13, 1919 June 21, 1918 December 31, 1917
19 19 23 25 17 18 20 18 20 17 18/17 21 21 24 19 21 22 20 20 22 23 18 26 24 19 17 28 41 26 18 17 24 35 25 19 18 16 17 24 26 26 29 25 21 18 32 22 23 29 26 25 38 22 19 23 22 21 33 21 29 19 21 22 21 20 44 18 18 20 19 17 23 20 23 20 19 23 22 20 24 21 24 28 22 18 25 22 22 23 20 40 37 18 44 41 27 24 21 19 17 28 40 38 18 26 24 18 24 20 28 29 20 20 32 18 24 37 33 44 38 27 44 24 23 39 22 31 32 33 23 24 19 17 25 18 19 18 22 34 21 21 18 19 23 19 24 22 18 31 18 20 27 22 19 17 44 23 21 21 28 18 32 16 21 43 19 19 27 25 19 NA 22 20 21 18 23 21 40 20 20 21 29 21 19 18 22 24 21 32 20 28 36 22 19 27 38 18 27 34 26 30 22 22 23 23 17 18 28 33 26 20 24 22 21 14 18 19 40 20 18 24 22 19 16 20 23 18 18 20 21 18 18 19 18 23 19 23 43 21 26 30 24 24 23 19 27 18 15 18 22 20 21 18 26 43 20 28 18 41 18 17 23 25 20 24 24 24 34 22 28 17 21 21 23 38 21 25 19 19 47 40 18 17 19 21 25 20 18 18 30 19 18 21 20 20 32 26 21 21 20 23 17 18 21 19 18 26 45 18 21 30 19 20 18 26 24 24 38 24 22 16 31 25 19 33 35 22 21 25 18 18 21 22 25 25 18 19 20 18 21 27 28 27 21 28 32 29 23 22 22 20 24 18 21 26 19 23 26 25 29 21 21 23 20 31 18 18 40 19 17 20 19 19 20 37 19 32 23 24 18 18
85th Battalion 26th Battalion Support Company, 301st Field Artillery 25th Battalion Canadian Army Service Corps 17th Reserve Battalion 25th Battalion 25th Battalion 85th Battalion CAMC, 7th Canadian Stationary Hospital Young Soldiers Battalion 25th Battalion 1st Depot Battalion, NS 219th Battalion
Private Sergeant Cook Private Private Private Lieutenant Private Lance Corporal Sergeant Private Private Private Private
The Wartime Heritage Association has identified the following as World War I Veterans with connections to Yarmouth Town and County. The information presented is from Canadian, Australian, and United States military records. The names of World War I casualties, with connections to Yarmouth Town and County, can be viewed at: Casualties of World War I, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
US Army