Remembering the Telegraphist Air Gunners
Commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the Arrival of Telegraphist Air Gunners in Yarmouth December 28, 2007 65 years ago in December of 1944, the first group of Telegraphist Air Gunners of the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy arrived in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia from England, to begin their training during the Second World War. From shortly before Christmas of 1942 until the spring of 1945, No. 2 TAGS (Telegraphist Air Gunners School) of the Royal Navy trained Telegraphist Air Gunners at East Camp. The school could accommodate approximately 480 TAGs at a time. Most of the TAGs were from England, with a few from Canada and elsewhere. The first Course to arrive was Course # 45A. The “A” denotes courses trained at in Yarmouth, NS, versus course numbers without the “A” that represent courses trained at Lee-On-Solent near Portsmouth, Hampshire in England. This 65th Anniversary reminds us of the importance of remembering and the Wartime Heritage Association will be restoring the Memorial bench on the former site of East Camp later in 2008-2009. The bench was placed near the monument in 1989 by the East and West Camp Association with an inscription that reads, "East Campers Say Relax and Enjoy". Over the years, the condition of the wooden bench has deteriorated. The monument itself was placed on the site of East Camp in September of 1988. Wartime Heritage has concluded consultations with Veterans who were members of the East and West Camp Association and the Telegraphist Air Gunners Association to ask for their input on the restoration and they agreed. These Veterans served at either East or West Camp during WWII.
East Camp WWII Monument and Bench
East Camp WWII Monument
Telegraphist Air Gunners, Course 45A at East Camp
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