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Memories of the War Years
by Joseph (Joe) Griffin
Telegraphist Air Gunner
Joseph B. Griffin
Telegraphist Air Gunner
Course 39 (Worthy Down)
The Other Navy
As a very naive 18 year old, I joined the Royal Navy a few days after
my birthday in July 1939. Having passed the fitness and education tests (I
was able to lift a pen and write my name) I was told by the Recruiting CPO
that because of Admiralty Orders, he was only allowed to enrol Cooks and
Stewards at that time, but not to worry as it was only a formality and as
soon as I arrived at RNB Portsmouth I would be able to transfer to
whichever branch I wished. Which is why five months later, as a fully
trained assistant Cook (S) with diplomas in swabbing gallery decks and
spud bashing I found myself in Hartlepool staring down from the fish quay,
onto a deck of what had once been a fishing trawler but now resembled
something from one of Emmetts nightmares.
A 4 inch gun was mounted on a platform above the fo’csle and extra lookout bridge built on top of the original
one with a Hotchkiss machine gun on either side, a Lewis gun on the stern with a couple of depth charges ready to
roll off. Lashed down around the deck were various of mine sweeping gear such as kites, doors, cutters and a couple
of huge torpedo shaped floats which had a name something like Oropesas. The whole scene was dominated by an
enormous winch situated in front of the bride housing: “Welcome aboard HMT Ben Dearg”.
Starting from the top, the crew
consisted of a Lt. RNVR, a Skipper who had
the rank of S/Lt RNVR and who was a ex-
trawler Skipper. The Chief Engineer was an
ex-trawler man, now a CPO Stoker; the Chief
Gunners Mate was a CPO seaman RNR who
held a trawler Skippers ticket; and the
Leading Seaman RNR held a trawler mates
ticket. There was one Telegraphist and one
Signalman, eight Seaman and four Stockers.
A Steward looked after the needs of the
Officers and Senior Rates who all shared the
aft cabin which was the original crews
quarters and then there was me.
That made a total complement of 22
and except for the five in the Wardroom we
messed in what was once the fish hold now
filled with bunks, four pairs of hammock
hooks and a mess table. My introduction to
the galley was a horror story. It was approximately six feet square with a worktop, a cupboard full of various pots
and pans and a cast iron coal fired range covered with grease, choked with soot and dust, and the whole place was
infested with cockroaches. Cleaning the range and getting rid of the soot to get the oven working was one of the
first jobs. Containing the cockroaches was just an ongoing task. As in all small ships we were canteen messing,
which should mean caterers, duty cooks, etc. but the Patrol Service chose to ignore this routine and everything was
left to guess who?
Our normal sweep was from Hartlepool to the Humber and took from seven to fourteen days depending on
conditions and with no fridge or even a cool box, it was a nightmare trying to keep the food fresh especially in
summer. Inevitably some food went off, which is why I was probably the only TAG who had entered on his history
sheet “Awarded seven days No. 11’s [stoppage of leave] for rendering 12lbs of beef unfit for human consumption”.
Coming from Brum, I had never seen the sea until I went to Portsmouth and my only shipboard experience was
the Gosport Ferry. It was with some trepidation and excitement that we “let go fore and aft” and headed out of
harbour. Anyone who has experienced the North Sea in winter will appreciate it is bot exactly a millpond. In a top
heavy trawler with waves higher than the mast head I can only leave to your imagination. Fortunately, I was a
natural sailor and didn’t suffer from sea sickness but struggling to keep the pots and pans from flying off the range
was a different matter. However, I must have coped reasonably well for nearly two years as nobody suffered from
food poisoning.
It was very hard work, uncomfortable, and boring doing the same sweep week after week. Things did get
interesting when we were attacked by enemy aircraft, sinking several floating mines and detonating acoustic mines
which nearly took us with them.
In winter “rig of the day” was Balaclavas, duffel coats and sea boots, the deck was constantly awash. Summer
rig was singlets and plimsolls; uniforms were for shore leave only. Everyone turned out for laying out and retrieving
the sweep, also for coaling ship, a dirty job. One of the few perks of the Patrol Service although unofficial was that
even U/A ratings had their daily tot and it was always neaters.
One day in the summer of 1941, I saw an AFO stating that suitable volunteers were accepted to be trained as
TAGs. I thought this is my chance to get off this old tub and put in a request. “Sorry my lad this does not apply to
you. Once you are in the Patrol Service, you stay in”. Bewailing my luck to the Chief Gunner, a wise old man who
was at least 40, said “Hang about, you are not patrol Service, your Royal Navy. Put in for your hook and they will
have to send you back to Portsmouth to qualify. Once you’re there, put in for a TAG again”.
That is exactly what happened and after more stringent medical and education tests I arrived at HMS St.
Vincent in October 1914 and began the first stage of No. 32 Telegraphist Air Gunners Course. I must say it was quite
a transition from being a trawler cook to being one of the elite of the lower deck, something of which we are all
J. Griffin
Article “The Other Navy” (Journal of the Telegraphist Air Gunners Association - August 2003)
Telegraphist Air Gunner (TAG). (ST. VINCENT)
Ratings were recruited both from direct entry or transfer from an existing branch of the RN. Direct entrants reported
to HMS ROYAL ARTHUR, Skegness, for their seven week new entry and basic training before being drafted to HMS ST.
VINCENT as Naval Airmen 2nd Class; men accepted for transfer to TAG were drafted to HMS DAEDALUS to await the
available next course. On completion of the 4 week part one TAG training the TAG candidates received their flying
kit and were allocated to a TAG School for their part two training; for many this was No. 1 Air Gunners School at
RCAF Station, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.
Joseph (Joe) Griffin
HMT Ben Dearg
Photo: © IWM (FL 1758)
Joseph Bernard Griffin
Petty Officer Telegraphist Air Gunner
Fleet Air Arm Royal Navy - WWII
Service: 1939 - 1951
HMS Victory (Royal Navy Shore Training)
HMT Ben Dearg (Royal Navy Patrol Service)
HMS St. Vincent (Telegraphist Air Gunner training)
HMS Kestrel
HMS Jackdaw (Fleet Air Arm base located Kingsbarns, Fife, Scotland)
HMS Tern (Orkney Islands)
HMS Urley (Isle of Man)
HMS Daedalus (Royal Naval Air Station Lee-on-Solent)
Joe Griffin survived three Swordfish crashes during his war experience. He served as the last Chairman of the
Telegraphist Air Gunners Association. The Association disbanded in 2010.
Joe died April 15, 2014 at the age of 92.
Joe Griffin (left) Lee-on-Solent
May 20, 2012