Remembering the Telegraphist Air Gunners
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Wartime Heritage ASSOCIATION
A Weekend To Remember (Re-printed from an article written by Nora Mortimer for the December 2004 TAGA Newsletter) W hen the January TAG magazine reported that 440 Productions Association was on tour in Britain and had been invited to perform at our Lee Saturday Social, our editor wrote, “it should be a really good evening”. How right he was. It was a superb, and the next day, without exception, the comments were, “wasn’t it supper, smashing evening, best we’ve ever had.” Praise indeed, for the group of young Canadians, some of whom are in their last year of high school, some 1st year university and some in their first jobs, but all talented in singing, dancing, and acting. The director of the group, George Egan, is tutor of English and history at Yarmouth High School, Nova Scotia and has written many was related productions for the company. Knowing that many TAGS trained in Yarmouth he suggested their visit to our weekend during their tour of Britain. The programme, “Time To remember”, consisted of songs and stories of the world war two years. There was a cast of a dozen or so with the boys impersonating Canadian airman and soldiers, dressed in real uniforms with heavy boots which they said they were roasting in the heat of the stage lights. There was one sailor, a TAG of course who was applauded long and loud. The girls were dressed in 1940,s fashion and threw themselves into the roles of war brides and lovesick girlfriends. W e in the audience were warned we would be asked to sing. No need to ask, as soon as the pianist who played nobly for two hours struck up the first notes we were there clapping and belting out the choruses. It may be unfair to pick out a particular scene as every player performed professionally and with enthusiasm; however, Sara Rogers, who is top cadet in her Senior Leaders Base, has flown an aircraft and passed her entrance exams to a prestigious Air Force Course, was much appreciated by her short ballet sequence and a glimpse of a 1940’s stocking top and suspender. The finale was called, “The Tragedy of War” and featured the poem “High Flight”, the song “Danny Boy” and “There’ll Always Be An England”, plus “Auld Lang Syne” brought the evening to a close, as someone remarked “hardly a dry eye in the house”. The next day brought more enjoyment when they joined us at the Memorial. They laid a wreath, a simple tribute in gold ribbon with the words “from the people of Canada”, with maple leaves and poppies. They then joined us for lunch, a Yarmouth youth at each table. Imagine how many reminiscences and comparisons were exchanged. These young people tried to meet and speak to everyone, listening carefully and with genuine interest to all our tales. We wish them much success in whatever they do. They are excellent ambassadors for their country.