Remembering the Telegraphist Air Gunners Videos
The Telegraphist Air Gunners' Song was written by George Egan for the TAGs of the Fleet Air Arm - Royal Navy and celebrates the young men who trained in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia during World War II. The video clip is from the TAG performance of Time To Remember on Saturday, May 15, 2005. at Thorngate Halls, Bury Rd, Gosport, UK. (Wartime Heritage Association/440 Productions.)
The Telegraphist Air Gunners' who trained in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia during World War II came on stage at the end of the performance of Time To Remember. The stage production was presented at Thorngate Halls, Bury Road, Gosport, UK. on Saturday, May 15, 2005 for the Telegraphist Air Gunners Association. (Wartime Heritage Association/440 Productions.)
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Wartime Heritage ASSOCIATION
Telegraphist Air Gunners’ Song
Tags On Stage