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Remembering World War I Yarmouth Connections
Freeman Berry Private 931406 No. 2 Construction Battalion January 16, 1886 Yarmouth, Yarmouth Co., NS January 16, 1917 Halifax, NS Not stated on attestation 28 5 feet, 8 ½ inches Dark Black Brown Basket maker Married Roman Catholic Sara Berry (Mother), 23 Arnold St, Boston, Mass. March 15, 1917 (Truro, NS) Unknown Unknown Unknown Freeman Berry was the son of Richard A. Berry (1831-1909), and Sarah (Cuff) Berry (born 1851). Freeman’s father was a farmer in Arcadia, in Yarmouth County. Freeman was the brother of Lydia Berry (born 1873), Aaron Berry (1877–1897), and Foreman Berry (born 1881), and the half-brother of Elizabeth Berry (born 1856), Annie Brandon Berry (1860–1951), and Margaret Berry (1861–1876) who were the children of Richard’s first wife Sarah Anne Brown (1833–1871). After her death in 1871, Richard married Sarah Cuff in 1872. Private Freeman committed to serving for the period of war and six months; however, he proceeded to Truro for initial training; however, for medical reasons he was given a medical discharge on November 16, 1916. Having enlisted with the No.2 Construction Battalion on October 12, 1916, he proceeded to Truro for initial training; however, for medical reasons he was given a medical discharge, due to an old injury, on March 15, 1917.
Freeman Berry
Name: Service No: Rank: Battalion/Service: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Enlistment: Place of Enlistment: Address at Enlistment: Age at Enlistment: Height: Complexion: Hair Colour: Eye Colour: Trade: Martial Status: Religion: Next of Kin: Date of Discharge: Date of Death: Age at Death: Cemetery:
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