Wartime Heritage ASSOCIATION
Alec Ronald Kiln Rank: Leading Seaman Service No: 2224 Service: Royal Canadian Navy HMCS Brandon Date of Birth: December 17, 1909 Place of Birth: Daventry, North Hants, England Trade: Navy Seaman Marital Status: Married Religion: Church of England Next of Kin: Edith Evelyn Kiln (Wife) Halifax, NS Alec Kiln was the son of Harry and Mary Kiln, of Weymouth, Dorsetshire, England, and husband of Edith Evelyn Kiln, of Halifax, NS. Leading Seaman Kiln served with the Royal Navy from January 1926 until December 1927 and with the Royal Canadian Navy from January 10, 1928. He joined HMCS Brandon just ten days before his death. On December 20, 1942, he disappeared from the ship sometime between 7:15 pm and 10:30 pm while the ship was on convoy duty at sea. It was concluded, after investigation, that he fell over the side accidentally and was drowned. Several of the crew reported that he was not feeling well in the mess-room earlier in the day. From mid-Mar 1942, until September 1944, HMCS Brandon served on the "Newfie-Derry". Date of Death: December 20, 1942 Age At Death: 33 Memorial: Halifax Memorial Memorial Reference: Panel 5 Commemorated on Page 87 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance Displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on February 25 Sources and Information: Veterans Affairs Canada http://www.forposterityssake.ca/Navy/HMCS_BRANDON_K149.htm
Alec Ronald Kiln
HMCS Brandon; photo collection of Ron Bell
Remembering World War II
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