776th Amphibian Tank Battalion Philippines
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Wartime Heritage ASSOCIATION
Remembering World War II
Silas Victor King
Name: Silas Victor King Rank: Technician Fifth Grade Service Number: 37005163 Service: 776th Amphibious Tank Battalion United States Army Ground Forces Date of Birth: November 9, 1915 Place of Birth: Six Mile Road, Cumberland Co., NS Date of Enlistment: March 21, 1941 Age at Enlistment: 25 Address at Enlistment: Long Lane, Dallas, Missouri, USA Height: 5 feet 10 inches Complexion: Ruddy Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Date of Death: January 21, 1945 Age: 29 Cemetery: Oaklawn Cemetery, Buffalo, Missouri, USA Silas Victor King was the son of Ardra Victor King (1886-1996) and Rosanna Janet (Green) King (1884-1966). He was the brother of Emma Jewell King (1907-1989). Silas registered for the draft October 16, 1940. His military training included time at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1942-1943 He was killed in action while serving in the Pacific. The 776th Amphibious Tank Battalion participated in the liberation of the Philippines and the unit was engaged on Poro Island in the Battle of the Camotes Islands in late January, when Silas was killed on January 21, 1945.
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