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Wartime Heritage ASSOCIATION
Remembering World War II
Charles Perry MacAulay Private F/54775 Cape Breton Highlanders, R.C.I.C “C” Company May 15, 1920 New Waterford, NS October 13, 1939 New Waterford, NS New Waterford, NS 19 6 feet, 1½ inches Fair Grey Brown Single Chauffeur United Church Gordon MacAulay (Father) New Waterford, NS August 3, 1940 20 Port Morien (Black Brook) Cemetery, NS Plot 8. Commemorated on Page 15 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance Displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on January 17 Charles MacAulay was the son of Gordon MacAuley (1884-1951) and Martha MacAuley (1886-1930) of New Waterford, Cape Breton. Charles completed his basic training in May of 1939 under the Non-Permanent Active Militia with the Cape Breton Highlanders. He enlisted in active service on October 13, 1939. In October of 1939, he suffered a knee injury while on patrol duty. In December 1940, he was hospitalized and returned to duty in June 1940. Because of the reoccurring knee condition he was employed in the cook house. The cartilage of his knee could slip out of place and he could snap it back. He would then limp for a time. At approximately 4:15 pm on August 1, 1940, Private MacAulay was severely injured in an accidental fall from the stairs leading to the 2nd floor in the Sydney Mines Barracks occupied by “B” and “C” Company of the Cape Breton Highlanders. the fall was possibly due to a knee condition which likely caused him to lunch and fall over the bannister. Just prior to the fall he was working with the head cook in the barracks preparing supper. He left the kitchen to call the boys, as he always did, to get bread and things on the table. He was admitted to the Harbor View Hospital in Sydney Mines with a fractured spine. Following an operation his condition deteriorated and he died on August 3, 1940.
Charles Perry MacAulay
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Name: Rank: Service No: Service: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Enlistment: Place of Enlistment: Address at Enlistment: Age at Enlistment: Height: Complexion; Eye Colour: Hair Colour: Marital Status: Trade: Religion: Next of Kin: Date of Death: Age at Death: Cemetery: Reference: