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Wartime Heritage
Remembering World War II
Douglas Ernest Kelly
Service Number:
Carleton and York Regiment, Royal Canadian Infantry Corps
Date of Birth:
May 9, 1921
Place of Birth:
Grand Falls, Victoria County, New Brunswick
Date of Enlistment:
February 23, 1940
Place of Enlistment:
Woodstock, Carleton County, New Brunswick
Marital Status:
Next of Kin:
Daisy Sloat (Mother), Kilburn, Victoria Co., New Brunswick
Date of Death:
March 18, 1944
Moro River Canadian War Cemetery, Italy
Section X, Row G, Grave 12
Commemorated on Page 350 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance
Displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on July 27
Son of James Ernest Kelly (1901-1929) and Margaret Daisy Hudson (1902-1947) of Kilburn, Victoria Co.,
New Brunswick, and the brother of Kinley Patrick Kelley (1922-1985), John William "Jack" Kelly (1924-
1995), Doris Eleanor Kelly (1926-1931), Chester B. Cornelius Christensen Kelly (1926-1996), and
Ernestine Gladys Kelly (1929-2011). At enlistment, his mother was living in Kilburn, NB, and later
moved to Aroostook Junction, Victoria Co., NB.
His brother John was an Able Seaman serving on HMCS Montreal in the RCN, and his brother Kinley was
a Private in the Canadian Army overseas during WWII as well.
His stepfather was Harry S. Sloat whom his mother married in 1931, after Douglas’ father died in 1929.
Douglas’ half siblings were Gerald Edward Sloat, Charles Carey Sloat (1939-1941), Robert Earl Sloat,
Clara Annie Laura Sloat and Mary Evelyn Sloat.
Douglas lived in Grand Falls, New Brunswick where he was born for his first 7 years, and next resided
in Westport on Brier Island, Digby Neck for 9 years, before returning to New Brunswick and living
Kilburn, Victoria County, NB.
After enlisting in February of 1940, he trained at the Infantry Training Centre at Aldershot from March
7 to May 5, 1940, and departed Canada at Halifax on May 12, 1940. He disembarked at Liverpool,
England in the United Kingdom aboard the SS Duchess of Bedford, arriving on May 22, 1940.
On February 26, 1943, he was assigned to the 3rd
Battalion, Greek Force, until March 19, 1943
(purpose of the ‘Greek Force’ is unknown). He
subsequently returned to the Carleton and York
Regiment. He embarked June 29, 1943, and
disembarked in Italy on July 11, 1943. He was
wounded December 13, 1943, and was in hospital
until January 4, 1944, when he returned to his
Just over two months later, Corporal Douglas
Ernest Kelly was killed in action on March 18,
1944. He is interred at the Moro River Canadian
War Cemetery in Italy.
Douglas Ernest Kelly