Wartime Heritage
Remembering World War II
Garnett Arthur Davies
Royal Canadian Air Force
Garnett Arthur Davies
Aircraftman Second Class
Marine Section, Royal Canadian Air Force
November 20, 1925
Vancouver, British Columbia
May 24, 1943
No. 1 RCAF Recruiting Centre, Vancouver, BC
Vancouver, British Columbia
5 feet, 7¾ inches
Hannah Davies (Mother)
July 24, 1943
Ottawa Memorial, Ontario
Panel 2, Colum 5
Service No:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Date of Enlistment:
Place of Enlistment:
Address at Enlistment
Age at Enlistment:
Eye Colour:
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Marital Status:
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Date of Death:
Age at Death:
Grave Reference:
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Garnett Arthur Davies was the son of Arthur Davies (b. 1887) and Hannah (Rees) Davies (b. 1888), of Vancouver, British Columbia. He
was the brother of Wilfred Rees Davies, Dufferin Owen Davies, Thomas Glynn Davies, Phyllis Mary (Davies) Masters, and Betty
Margaret Davies. Both of Garnett’s parents were born in Wales, and his father worked as a baker in Vancouver.
Two of his brothers, Flight Officer Wilfred Rees Davies, and Flight Officer Dufferin Owen Davies, served in the RCAF and his third
brother, Gunner Thomas Glynn Davies served in the Royal Canadian Artillery, but was discharged during WWII.
Garnet enjoyed rugby and bowling and served with the Seaforth Cadets in Vancouver in 1940-41. After schooling, he was employed as
a seaman with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company in 1942-43. It was a noted upon enlistment in May of 1943 that he was keen and
intelligent, and that he would make a good [trainee] for the RCAF’s Marine Section.
Garnett Arthur Davies was one of the 10 crew of the RCAF vessel M427 known
as the BC Star which was lost on July 24, 1943, off the coast of Vancouver,
British Columbia.
The vessel and its crew were engaged in the coastal supply of the RCAF, their
job being to supply all the Air Force stations along the British Columbian coast.
There were two other 18-year-old casualties of the BC Star, Gilbert Campbell
McFadyen and Maurice Daniel Onuski.
M427 RCAF B.C. Star ( RCAF Photo)