Wartime Heritage ASSOCIATION
Remembering World War II Joseph Russell Arnold Kirlin Royal Canadian Air Force
Joseph Russell Arnold Kirlin Aircraftman 2nd Class R/288537 Royal Canadian Air Force June 3, 1926 Montreal, Quebec November 19, 1943 Montreal, Quebec (#13 Recruiting Centre, RCAF) Montreal, Quebec 17 6 feet, 1 inch Fair Blue Red Single Clerk Roman Catholic Joseph Michael Kirlin (Father) Montreal, Quebec May 29, 1944 17 Montreal (Notre Dame des Nieges) Cemetery, Canada Sec. M. Lot 3410. Grave 2849. In August 1942, the father of Joseph Russell Arnold Kirlin gave permission for his son to join the Royal Canadian air Force. On January 6, 1944 Aircraftman 2nd Class Kirlin was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with scarlet fever. He recovered and returned to service on February 2, 1944. On February 16, 1944 he was again admitted to hospital diagnosed with acute nephritis (inflamed kidneys). He died at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal on May 29, 1944.
Name: Rank: Service No: Service: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Enlistment: Place of Enlistment: Address at Enlistment: Age at Enlistment: Height: Complexion: Eye Colour: Hair Colour: Marital Status: Trade: Religion: Next of Kin: Date of Death: Age at Death: Cemetery: Reference:
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