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James Everett Doucette
Name: Service No Rank Battalion/Service Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Enlistment: Place of Enlistment: Address at Enlistment: Age at Enlistment: Height: Complexion: Hair Colour: Eye Colour: Martial Status: Religion: Trade: Next of Kin:
James Everett Doucette 733572 Private 112th Battalion / 165th Battalion March 1, 1894 East Quinan, Yarmouth Co., NS December 15, 1915 Shelburne NS Wedgeport, Yarmouth Co., NS 22 5 feet, 5 inches dark black brown Single Roman Catholic Fisherman Mrs. Sylvia Doucette (Mother) Wedgeport, Yarmouth Co., NS James Doucette enlisted with the 112th Battalion and served with that Battalion until June 1916. He transferred to the 165th Battalion; however he was given medical discharge on May 10, 1917 after a three month hospitalization at St. John, NB.