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David Melvin LeBlanc
Name: Service No Rank Battalion/Service Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Enlistment: Place of Enlistment: Address at Enlistment: Age at Enlistment: Height: Complexion: Hair Colour: Eye Colour: Martial Status: Religion Trade: Next of Kin: Date of Death:
David Melvin LeBlanc 666695 Private 165th Battalion May 13, 1894 Plymouth, Yarmouth Co., NS June 6, 1916 Wedgeport NS Plymouth, Yarmouth Co., NS 22 6 feet, 1 inch light ligh blue Single Roman Catholic Fisherman Mrs. Bertha LeBlanc (Mother) Yarmouth NS On April 30, 1917 David Melvin LeBlanc was given a medical discharge at St. John, NB. He suffered from varicose veins of a sever degree. His condition was reviewed by a medical board and he was considered medically unfit for continued war service.