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Sylvian Muise
Sylvian Muise 488175 Private 9th Canadian Machine Gun Corps July 6, 1897 South Belleville, Yarmouth Co., NS November 8, 1915 Halifax South Belleville, Yarmouth Co., NS 18 5 feet, 5½ inches Medium Black Brown No Labourer Single Roman Catholic Mrs. Thomas Muise (Mother) South Belleville, Yarmouth Co., NS March 29, 1919 (Halifax) Served in Canada, England, and France. Hospitalized for illness, mumps.
Name: Service No: Rank: Battalion: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Enlistment: Place of Enlistment: Address at Enlistment: Age at Enlistment: Height: Complexion: Hair: Eyes: Previous Military: Trade: Martial Status: Religion: Next of Kin: Date of Discharge:
Source: Library and Archives Canada