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Melford Murphy
Name: Service No Rank Battalion/Service Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Enlistment: Place of Enlistment: Address at Enlistment: Age at Enlistment: Height: Complexion: Hair Colour: Eye Colour: Martial Status: Religion Trade: Next of Kin: Date of Death: Cemetery:
Melford Murphy 2329812 Private Canadian Forestry Corps November 19, 1898 Argyle Sound, Yarmouth Co., NS April 12, 1917 Yarmouth NS Argyle Sound, Yarmouth Co., NS 18 5 feet, 8 inches light dark brown grey Single Baptist Fisherman Lilian Murphy (Mother), Argyle Sound, Yarmouth Co., NS 1971 Yarmouth Mountain Cemetery Embarked Halifax (HMT F8261- SS Justicia) June 22, 1917 Disembarked Liverpool July 5, 1917 Taken on strength Sunningdale (Base Depot Canadian Forestry Corps) July 4, 1917 July 28, 1917 posted to No 60 Company, CFC Arrived France July 30, 1917 Hospitalized in France October 10, 1917 (bronchitis) Transferred to Hospital in England at Sunningdale November 13, 1917 (Tuberculosis) Invalided to Canada for further medical treatment on February 16, 1918 Discharged (Medical) at Halifax June 22, 1918 (aged 19)
SS Justicia