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Percy St. John Parker
Name: Service No Rank Battalion/Service Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Enlistment: Place of Enlistment: Address at Enlistment: Age at Enlistment: Height: Complexion: Hair Colour: Eye Colour: Previous Military: Martial Status: Religion: Trade: Next of Kin: Date of Death:
Percy St. John Parker 510230 85 Private Canadian Army Service Corps / 85th Battalion January 17, 1896 Yarmouth NS September 14, 1915 Valcartier Yarmouth NS 19 5 feet, 11 inches medium dark brown grey No 5 Company CASC Single Presbyterian Mechanic Mrs. Edward R. Parker (Mother) Yarmouth NS He arrived in England on the SS Metagama on October 25, 1915. He served July 18, 1916 to January 5, 1918 with the Corps Troops Supply Column. On September 26, 1918 he was transferred to 85th Battalion and joined the Battalion in France. He suffered a gunshot wound to right his left knee and right thigh on November 20, 1918 and was admitted to hospital. Released on December 3, 1918 he was transferred to 17th Reserve Battalion at Bramshott. He returned to Canada and was discharged at Halifax, on February 18, 1919 on demobilization.