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Roy Clerman Trefry
Roy Clerman Trefry 3180581 Private 1st Depot Battalion NS May 7, 1897 Springhaven, Yarmouth Co., NS May 28, 1918 Aldershot, NS 21 Springhaven, Yarmouth Co., NS 5 feet, 8 inches Medium Brown Black Farmer Single Baptist Erven Trefry (Father), Springhaven, Yarmouth Co., NS January 17, 1919 (Halifax on demobilization) 1983 Roy Clerman Trefry was the son of Erven Caleb Trefry [1874-1932] and Elizabeth (White) Trefry [1877-1962] of Springhaven, Yarmouth Co., NS. A brother, Angus Francis Trefry, also served during WWI. Private Trefry enlisted at Aldershot on May 28 1918. While at Aldershot he contracted influenza and was hospitalized between August 8 and August 13, 1918. On August 16, 1918 he was granted the first of four harvest furloughs, the last furlough being granted on December 2, 1918. He was discharged on demobilization on January 17, 1919. On May 6, 1925 he married Viola Catherine Riggs [1899-1989]. Roy died in 1983 and they are buried in the Arcadia Cemetery, Yarmouth Co., NS.
Name: Service No: Rank: Battalion: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Enlistment: Place of Enlistment: Address at Enlistment: Age at Enlistment: Height: Complexion: Hair: Eyes: Trade: Martial Status: Religion: Next of Kin: Date of Discharge: Date of Death: