Wartime Heritage
Pte. Douglas MacKinnon
No 5. Salvage Unit R.C.O.C
3rd Canadian Division
Letters to Mrs. Moses
South Ohio is a small community located in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. The following letters were found folded in a wartime scrapbook of
Nellie (Moses) MacLellan. The scrapbook was acquired from Muriel (MacLellan) DesVignes of South Ohio via Susan Winship and was from the
family home of Nellie (Moses) MacLellan.
About the
No 5. Salvage Unit R.C.O.C
3rd Canadian Division
The No. 5 Canadian Salvage Unit RCOC was mobilized in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia in March 1941 and was attached to the 3rd
Canadian Division.
In World War Two, the RCOC was responsible for supplying the field Army with all manner of stores, with some exceptions.
Ammunition, artillery pieces, and vehicles were RCOC responsibilities; food, medical supplies, some engineering equipment, petrol, oil
and lubricants remained outside the control of the RCOC.
The RCOC was responsible for the storage and distribution of various stores such as clothing, equipment, beds, blankets, signal
equipment, tents, mess equipment, cleaning supplies, engines and spare parts for vehicles, hand and machine tools, binoculars,
compasses, and electric generators, to name a few.
To provide the proper amount of stores to the Army, provisioning was commenced months in advance, from scales of issue
approved by the General Staff. Contracts let by DND advised manufacturers of the Army's needs. Once the manufacturers delivered the
goods, they went first to Ordnance Depots who received and processed the equipment, then sent it to other, smaller, depots for
The RCOC also ran mobile bath and laundry units, and performed salvage operations. Retrieving damaged vehicles, kit from
personnel casualties, and even recovery of enemy equipment, was an RCOC function as well.
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Pte. Douglas MacKinnon
Letters to Mrs. Moses