Wartime Heritage ASSOCIATION
Allen, Ace Barkhouse, Harold Arthur Barkhouse, Weldon Eugene Betts, Wallace MacPherson Brown, Borden Bruce Buchanan, Everett Cameron Canning, Laurie Albert Casey, Robert Donald Chiasson,Michael Paul Christoff, James Joseph Clements, Bennie Clooney, Wilfred Douglas Crowell, Ray Wilson Cruickshanks Clyde Reginald Dawson, William Deon, Clarence E Doucette, Lawrence Joseph Dunphy, Michael Alexander Edmunds, Ronald Allan Elliott, William Henry Erb, Kenneth Irvine Evans, James Kenneth Fancy, Cecil Robert Ellsworth Fielding, Leslie Thomas Frizzell, Gerald George, Austin Emery Goodwin, Elwin Herman Hanspiker, Edward Jack Harrison, Harold Carlen Harview, Keith Joseph Herman, Arthur Graham Hilton, John Walter Jodrie, Russell Arthur Johnstone, William Edward Jollymore, Lovell Philip Laurie, Gerald Dean Legge, Hubert Donald Levison, Joseph Yehudi MacAskill, Earle MacDonald, Bernard Ancel MacDougall, Leonard Francis MacLean, Douglas Harold Richard MacLeod, Neil Thorold MacMillan, Murdoch Ryan MacPhee, Stephen Hugh McInnis, Angus Weldon McNeil, Alexander Meuse, Charles Albert Meuse, Clarence Thomas Meynell, Gerard Balfour Moore, Robert John Morrison, William Earl Morrison, Charles J Murphy, Ralph Rexnall Patrick, Ross Reginald Patterson, Emerson Edward Power, Edward James Quinn, John Louis Redmond, Patrick Gerald Roach, Lloyd Stanley Royles, Malcolm Richard Ryan, Robert Arthur Sabean, Elvin Stanley Schoultz, Roger Byron Smart, Harold Spence, Donald Banford Staples, John Roberts Stone, William Albert Sweeney, Raymond Robert Turnbull, Ralph Elvin Weatherbee, Vernon Robert Webb, Charles Donald
Casualties with connection to Nova Scotia who were killed in action, died of wounds received in action, or died of other causes
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Remembering the Korean War Korean War Casualties with a Nova Scotia Connection
Second Lieutenant Private Gunner Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Lance Corporal Lance Corporal Private Private First Class Hospital Apprentice Private Corporal Private Private Corporal Private Private Corporal Gunner Private Private Private Corporal Lieutenant Private Sergeant Lance Corporal Sergeant First Class Private Private Lieutenant Corporal Private Private Corporal Corporal Private Private Private Sapper Private First Class Private Lieutenant Able Seaman Private Private Gunner Private Private Private Lieutenant Commander Lance Corporal Private Private Private Private Corporal Lance Corporal Private First Class Chief Aviation Machinist's Mate Private Private Private Private Gunner
9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, US Army Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 2nd Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery The Royal Canadian Regiment 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 2nd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Royal Canadian Army Service Corps Royal Ulster Rifles 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division; United States Army Navy Medical Company, United States Navy Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment The Royal Canadian Regiment 2nd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment 2nd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment The Royal Canadian Regiment 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Company G, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, US Marine Corps 2nd Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry The Royal Canadian Regiment 93rd Bomber Squadron, 19th Bomber Group, United States Air Force 1st Battalion, Royal 22e Regiment 1st Battalion, Royal 22e Regiment Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, US Army 2nd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment The Royal Canadian Regiment 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment The Royal Canadian Regiment The Royal Canadian Regiment The Royal Canadian Regiment The Royal Canadian Regiment Royal Canadian Engineers 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, United States Marine Corps 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, US Army The Royal Canadian Regiment HMCS Sioux, Royal Canadian Navy The Royal Canadian Regiment Royal Canadian Army Service Corps Royal Canadian Horse Artillery 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry HMCS Iroquois, Royal Canadian Navy Royal Canadian Army Service Corps 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment 2nd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 40th Infantry Division Headquarters Company, US Army Patrol Squadron 7, US Navy The Royal Canadian Regiment Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Artillery
August 9, 1950 January 13, 1952 November 21, 1950 July 28, 1952 February 23, 1951 June 30, 1951 May 2, 1952 December 6, 1951 May 3, 1953 May 3, 1953 December 15, 1953 September 29, 1950 September 8, 1951 November 27, 1950 October 23, 1952 October 14, 1952 September 24, 1950 July 11, 1951 May 30, 1951 October 1, 1952 March 26, 1952 October 23, 1951 June 5, 1951 April 25, 1951 January 29, 1951 November 21, 1950 October 4, 1951 November 23, 1951 February 3, 1952 March 29, 1951 August 19, 1952 October 24, 1952 June 26, 1954 October 15, 1952 April 6, 1951 September 28, 1950 November 8, 1951 May 26, 1951 April 3, 1951 January 8, 1953 October 4, 1951 May 3, 1953 May 8, 1952 June 22, 1954 March 24, 1952 October 23, 1952 May 21, 1954 February 24, 1951 November 4, 1952 May 3, 1953 July 21, 1951 October 23, 1952 April 25, 1953 September 13, 1952 April 9, 1952 March 26, 1952 December 24, 1952 October 2, 1952 April 22, 1953 May 3, 1953 September 28, 1950 February 19, 1952 December 26, 1954 May 3, 1953 July 11, 1951 March 2, 1952 January 22, 1954 May 23, 1952 March 25, 1952 January 1, 1954 October 13, 1951 June 16, 1952
Date of Death:
Background Photo: Canadian troops cross over a log bridge during the Korean War in Feb 1951
Code 202572